Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

ty 1-3 4 3 PAGE TWENTY 24 4 THE MARION DAILY CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. 4 The Office Cat I' 4. -By Junius- JOHN AT WASHINGTON, D. C.

Dear Office Cat: Profound sorrow, and deepest regret, that the friends of the deceased are called to report the passing away of the oldest and most popular. resident of that gayful adn prominent city, Washington, D. C. John was dearly loved by all his associates. Besides the large circle of- -friends, he leaves to mourn his dismiss both parents, who 'are still living at the old homestead somewhere in the foothills of Old Kentucky.

The White House was a thatched one, The halls were meek and clean, For every man assembled there Looks ill at ease and mean, The night was dark and stormy, In torrents fell the rain, Men who professed religion Used Bible terms in vain. By They the knew that all was read. over, Woodrow way has the signed paper, Bone Dry Bill, John Barleycorn was dead. Signed: I. W.

W. Want Na Speaking of brains and intellect, and what not, this section of a letter recently received by a wellknown newspaper: "The expense of Universal- TrainIng if need be, let us to infuse more Intilect into our People. Military training helps physical man, but not mentialy. There is lonley three modities used in war. There are raw Material, money and Braines, and wee have those in quantities that beats the a Editor's Note--Published as Original on file in Sanctum.

Let'er go! BEWARE OF MISSES. Miss Fortune, her friedn, Miss With Miss Chief. and Miss Went out to make folks feel blue, And they did to beat the band. Miss Behave and Miss Judge fell in With this busy, boisterous crowd; And where e'er they went, noise and din, And racket were tremondously loud. Then Miss Guide, and also Miss Lead; A Miss State and her friends, Miss Trust, Miss Use, Miss Take and Miss Plead, Went to it, and my, what a dust.

Sure, some misses are: very nice, And just as dear as can be; But do not with any of these splice, If you do not want Miss-ery. A. B. ATCHELOR. A EPITAPH.

Here lie the remains of little Frank Green, bright a boy as was ever seen, 'He started the fire with gasoline. We agree thoroughly with the contrib who is of the opinion that this a winter is a subject that may be handled without gloves. Jay Gould says he wouldn't take for hi swar experience, and, although it was not reported, we are willing to wager the tenth part of a dollah that he added, "but he wouldn't give five cents for another." IS NICK CARTER IN THE HOUSE? Lost- Wednesday evening in new academy, black and dark green changeable man's scarf. Reward.Scranton (Pa.) Times. PEg A RESTAURANT SIGNS.

(By Resto. Ranter.) We charge nothing for water, But we think we orter. pa LIMERICK. By Limerick Lou. There was a sweet little girl in Ft.

Wayne, was not in the least a bit vain, But she couldn't sing, Not a single And when she she gave you a pain. peg Although practically every funny man in the country has had something facetious to say about Paderewski, we have yet to see a wheeze turned out of that old one about "What do you think of my But we are nothing if not hopeful, and are going to keep on watching for it. pa A SIGN IN A DENVER STORE. "During the flu epidemic we will not change underwear." May we not offer our sincere wishes that the epidemic has passed? A Pa pa JUST AS TICKLED WHEN THEY LEFT. President Wilson with his suit and Mrs.

Wilson left London yesterday for Paris and Rome. The public enthusiasm which marked their coming six days ago attended also their going. -Landan Timan Me Saturday and Monday At The Goldthait Store Introducing the New Styles for Spring and Summer Wear at Lowered Prices 4 CREATIONS ARE MORE CHARMING, MORE LOVELY THAN EVER BEFORE. PREVIOUS SHOWINGS ARE COMMONPLACE COMPARED WITH BRIGHT CHEERFUL NEW STYLES. :1 THESE FEW ITEMS GATHERED FROM DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS GIVE YOU ONLY A FORETASTE OF WHAT CAN BE HAD IN THIS, THE STORE BEAUTIFUL.

A marvelously complete collection of NEW SPRING COATS, CAPES, SUITS AND DRESSES. When you come Saturday and Monday you will be pleased with our extra values. Here 1g Ford automobile rasoline tank Atted with an rior tank for booze by Michigan rum runners. The dotted line outlines the location of the booze tank, whlle the hole at the top, from which a little stream of Hador is trickling down, 19 where the whisky is put in. There's still plenty of room in the big tank for gas to carry the car from Toledo to Detroit.

After the Michigan constabulary got onto the trick, every Ford tank was closely amined when it crossed the Mich- TROUPERS FOR SAMMIES: Are Eddie Allen Allen and Gail Faris, Who Entertain Americans With Jazz. Jazzing and minstreling through France and Germany has been related as the experiences of two -Marion boys, Hugh Pope and Arthur Curran. Now comes: the story of two others that are having. a part in keeping things a poppin' for the boys. over there.

The twd are Eddie Allen and Gail Faris. Allen, who is a nephew of Mrs. W. J. Swanger, will be remembered as a Marion boy who made good in musical comedy and front rank vaudeville.

He went to France a's a soldier, but since peace came has! been assigned to his former role of songster and funmaker. Faris, while not an entertainer, is trouping just the same. The ever-ver-atile Gail, as he is remembered here, is stage manager for one of the soldier shows organized to entertain American soldiers held in: France and Germany. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. Faris. "Toughest Egg in Chicago" Tears Off Man's Right Arm Chicago, March "toughest egg in Chicago" ran amuck last night and today will answer to charges of disorderly conduct, larceny, assault and battery, resisting an officer and wilful destruction of property. He twisted an artificial arm (right) off the patron of a south isde saloon and used it to beat up six other patrons, including two women, broke all the in sight and gave four deItectives a tough battle before arrested--then refused to give his name when booked use headquarters.

Really good value Austin's Famous Buckwheat. A good big package for, a quarter. Make First Distribution of. American Fats from Dantzig London, March first distribution of American fats will take place in Germany from Dantzig it was authoritatively learned today. One million pounds of fats have been accumulated.

at Danzig for distribution on condition that the workmen at that port do not strike. TRY THIS NATURAL HERB PREPARATION FOR LIVER BOWELS KEEP IT AT HOME READY FOR USE It Is Good for the Grippe As Well As Its Kindred. Ailments. If you want a splendid, economical remedy for constipation, sick headache, dizziness and torpid liver, or indigestion, sour stomach, flatulence, do not fail to try this wonderful preparation which is being used by the most eminent physicians. a There is absolutely nothing secret about this preparation and it is one of the formulas which is universally known in the Medical World.

This old reliable vegetable remedy has stood the test of time and it is now Get more box popular of than LAXCARIN a today, and- feel- much relinquished row. A dollar well spent is worth a the bettering hundred--especially of your if it is health--or "spent in helping Mother Nature, performing her duties. LAXCARIN is sold only by the Laxcarin Products Company, who will send you a box containing enough LAXCARIN for three months use, upon receipt of $1.00 either in cash, stamps or money order. Extra Strength $1.50. By The PRODUCTS Price One Dollar.

Debt. E-148 Pittsburg, Pa. 5' THE NEW Rich, stunning styles in the shades. For SATURDAY AND did values in the new braid and button trimmings, new touches of smartness to us show you Saturday and $22.50, $24.95, $34.50, For SATURDAY AND MONDAY Attractive blouses of Georgette and Crepe de Chine, just arrived. Charming new models in fancy, and plain tailored styles.

Real economy price for Saturday and Monday, choice $4.95 Kiddies season's supply. our 2nd floor shop will THE "EMILY ROSE" DRESS The a n'd embroidered line. A wonderful gar-; ment in mercerized poplin, blue and rose. Pique collar and cuffs. Velvet belt.

A garment you will like. $8.00. Range of prices $6 to $13.00. departthe best $2.50 and voile with trimmed. Low Main Floor Underwear Dept.

SILK TEDDY BEAR SUITS Hemstitched finish, yoke and shoulder straps, wash satin ribbon inserts. A beautiful line, $3.98 Silk Camisoles Hand embroidered. Lace trimmed. Special $1.98. Dainey Corset Covers In a special assortment lace yoke with embroidered designs, 59c.

You should see what a wonderful line of silk gowns, combinations, bloomers, shirts, are shown in this new department: Smocks in white, rose, hand embroidThe COR. $4.00 experiments when a boy on the home farm because of his observations of the extreme difficulties under which plants will sometimes, grow and thrive, and that desire to make conditions better for plants some of his most brilliant inspirations have grown. Everywhere people are familiar with the most conspicuous of his successes. He has to his credit nearly a dozen original fruit productions, not including numerous improvements in pears, apples, grapes and other fruits. In vegetable life he has perfected several new species; in flowers nine or ten new varieties; in nuts two distinct kinds; in berries seven varieties, and he several years ago gave to the western farmer the spineless cactus, which makes the best food for cattle which the plainsman can.

find. Commercially the Burbank' potato is Mr. Burbank's greatest success. It was. developed by him at his old home in Massachusetts as long ago as 1873, and was one of his first triumphs.

Now so general is its use that people hardly ever think to connect, it with the scientist who has gone on from SUITS-season's best fabrics and MONDAY we offer splenBox jackets and belted, effective collars and. vestees, please the eye a at once. Let Monday. Extra prices are $27.50, $29.75 $38.75 THE NEW Our assortments have been past few days to prepare DAY AND MONDAY. New shades and materials- high It is New York at your excellent showing.

Prices $17.85, $19.50, $29.75, "BETTY WALES' Frocks. Our dress department is truly radiant with its large and comprehensive displays, Taffetas, Crepe Meteors, Crepe de Chine, Satins, Serges, Georgette, exquisite perfection in every garment to satisfy quest for that 'something differ. Very moderately priced Millinery of Distinction See our hats and you see the latest. Wear A Goldthait Hat and? you wear the best. THE NEW VICTORY RED This group comprises all the new shapes and terials including pineapple, liseras, chenile, braids, etc.

Price range $6 to $17.50. THE HENNA SHADE Representing a wonderful collection of these late creations in popular shapes. Oriental tams and turbans. Price range $5 to $25. Blacks and navy group come in for its share of beauties from $3 to $30.

CHILDREN'S HATS Featuring a very big range of hats for the early miss. Price range $2 to $7.50. COATS-- CAPES DOLMANS and plentifully filled during the for a large business SATURstyles came in, in the newest grade Wooltex" garments. very doors. Come see this most for Saturday and Monday are $22.50, $26.50 $34.75 For SATURDAY AND MONDAY Messaline petticoats in suit Do not miss seeing them.

We emphasize this special value because we are sure it is what you will want. Plain silk messaline and in stripes, also one dozen with silk Jersey top. A $5.00 value. Choice, $3.00 Dresses For The Now is the time to buy the at their best. A visit to convince you.

THE LURIE DRESS A handsome line of plaid ginghams, fast. color, combined with pique and harmonizing color collars. Vestee effect, button trimmed. Ages 6 to 14 years $3.00. Range of: prices, $1.69 to $13.85.

The New Waists From the new main floor ment. Featuring two lines money can buy at $3.50.5 VOILE WAIST $2.50 An extremely fine grade of the new style collar lace and medium neck. Beautiful New Linen finish beach 'cloth green, blue, etc. All are ered in beautiful designs. See them on first fi WIZARD OF PLANT WORLD Has a Birthday--Record of Achievement of Luther Burbank, Horticulturist.

San Francisco, March bank, the years wizard today of the plant world, I old is Luther Burthe man whose experiments and discoveries have revolutionized the world's -theories of plant life, and the profession connected with it. Mr. Burbank was born in Lancaster, March 7, 1849. At an early age he earned a reputation as a naturalist, and for many years he has continued his studies and experiments. At the Burbank experiment farms near Santa Rosa new theories are con-, stantly being proved and their sults given to the world, Burbank, while a scientist working for the isfaction of individual achievement, is a philanthropist who believes that the results of his- labors belong to 'all mankind.

It is said of him that he began his Dress Goods of Make that garment yourself. see how easy it is and BROADCLOTH For the new Dolman, suit or skirt, chiffon finish, 52 inches wide, all the wanted shades at only per yard, $4.00. INDESTRUCTIBLE GEORGETTE A beautiful silk crepe in all: the much wanted shades. 40 inches wide. $2.00.

SILK SHIRTING Yard wide tub shirting for shirts or: waists. Washes beautifully. We take forders for making, men's shirts. $1.50 each. Price of material, yard, $1.50.

Buy a pattern and you save the difference. Quality SKINNER'S SATIN' Full yard wide. The guaranteed satin. Comes in all colors. yOur price, $2.50.3 A DRAPERIES--2nd Floor Visit this new and interesting department.

Let us help you plan Yard Wide Scrim Beautiful assortment of this very much used material. Plain and fancy bordered. Yard, 35c. Marquisette, 39c In plain and shadow effect. 36 inches wide.

Much used in panel work, 39c. Beautiful Overdrapes In rich combination colors, two tones, etc. 36: inches wide. To match color scheme, 59c. NETS AND FILETS CRETONNES 75c Just arrived: from Scranton Mills.

A rich and. varied assortment. A very beautiful line in plain- and Much used this season for panels, shadow, 50c. in A fancy. work, yard 75c.

Coverall Store dark Truly a navy STS. ioned, well trimmed. On Aprons, $1.49 splendid. value. Scout percale, blue or light colors, full fashmade sale and' main neatly floor $1.49 vert states have a means of fattening berry and the Siberian raspberry.

stock which is priceless. The cactus two were crossed by pllenation. is found a substitute the for milk It has been lings were raised from the that flow of the cows cross, is increased 75 per cent when they are then followed years of selection. fed on cactus over the amount given like either parent in form, to color be completed fruit was found when dry alfalfa hay. is fed.

taste. It ripens at the same time Probably the first absolutely. new strawberries. species of fruit ever created by man is the priumus berry, made by Bur- Mrs. Austin's Pancake Flour is bank from the native California dew- -Ready in a jiffy.

the "ering tannin to out protect of the the meat. walnut. He It is took at No Let-Up In Its Torture. Ition, and routs out the disease rid you of this disabling disease. coloring matter that gives a rather Pretty soon you will be reaching S.

S. S. has given some wonderful disagreeable flavor. One of the trees for the liniment bottle again, for the results in treating Rheumatism. Bet has given for an the last annual twenty crop of 400, millions little pain demons that ing a purely vegetable blood pounds years.

cause Rheumatism. are on the war- it purifies the blood of every germ, As an example of delicate plant path. weather seems to awak- and thus removes the cause of Rheu work, Mr. Burbank's friends refer to en them to renewed fury. Get a bottle to-day at your his improvement of the dahlia.

Her But your Rheumatism cannot drugstore, and start on the right! removed the disagreeable odor and rubbed away, because liniments and treatment that will get results. Free produced the flower with a fragrance lotions cannot reach the disease. It advice about your case can be had by; like magnolia. 3 is ir the blood, and only a remedy writing to Medical Director, 26 Swift I leas In cactus Burbank's the discovery cattlemen of of the the spine- das. that goes deep down into the circula, Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga I the time it is planted a seed until it comes into bearing.

In walnuts Mr. Burbank produced a shell that could -be crushed -in the hand, but found that birds harden destroyed, it, and was obliged to that to more intricate things, patiently working them out at his big farm in California. Some of Mr. Burbank's most strik-: ing successes are with relation to chestnuts and walnuts. He produced a chestnut tree that will bear in eighteen months from the time the parent tree is first planted by seed.

The average of the chestnut tree known to public is ten to fifteen years from 3 Rheumatism Back on the Job With its Old-time Fury. 6 9: Caldthait THIRD WASHINGTON "THE STORE BEAUTIFUL" Y. The Seedand The unor with fine.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.