The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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81 Personal Loans (Licensed) 81 Personal Loans (Licensed) 81 Personal Loans (Licensed) 81 Personal Loans (Licensed) yp to $iooo fiOOSEHOW HHAHCE first TV 5 2600 YEAR PHONE OR STOf IN TODAYI Service Stations Pure Oil Products 10 cortVtfrtJent officers in Cleveland Area EAST oy ATW Wet "'ide location tvailahle tor RECORP TIME lease 1 6225 Living Trade! EMPIRE LOAN CO Your Car WE NEED THE CARS! ED Building Construction Repairs i PO 1 5800 It on need nioncv be sure to in get our top dollar bid today ind Die Shop alkeord LINCOLN LOAN HA Terxs 36 Months Nothing Down UT 1 1280 CL 1 6300 WANTED information Box 19959 Plain Dealer TOP DOLLAR LO 1 9200 down: or i GROCERY AIEA'I 2 BEER WINE TO TAKE a emfi ln Small Smnet OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TO 1 Phone SH 1 8500 rood Save Profit YE 2 0405 Universal TV Service Gauges CAE LIQUOR 28 Good INE PIANOS AND ORGANS ED 'o: Di me ion Auro 1 ha SHOCK to: Phnn A sv BAPGAL AND CON 'urnace HOMA' CH 1 BLA11A PEB! speed changer onginahy usd on JOO $49 PLAI: 4 GENERAL old i WEST re appraisal BP 30 to 36' i CP Ohio Quine TOWER CO P4 ret Plain Dar 3 A 411000 6 Deni In well known ba TRUCK SALES IXC LUNCH' 4297 dividing landsicn shod sells over 200 OR RENT: ROOS on bulldin? SH $377 ston $2500 arcade cold 1 GEN ERALCONTP ACTOR ON! MA 1 3745 $5 TAKES HOMI' Ah kinds HE other in1 snd SI lor receive the most dry 2 3 1 2 KEM TONK 31 Bucur rages i ai renindellnj ING 20 Ditch nlM CARPENTRY: ANY KIND Interior anj srr show OR HC iR 01 oO clud Deaei Pacific inance Co 61 1 Hippodj ome Bldg WE mo low OUR OR cu (OR IR REP 1 9105 1 9444 3 4950 1 22ORD DELICATESSEN ernes ite Mock head meats 000 in cad GUTTERS STONE WORK io GOligation Auction Co genera tn Letter are equpped mcnanjcaLy 2 motor panel in ist class condition: real bargain at ji' uaaeside Ave Cleveland 14 HE1 9100 Drugstore out beverages irelf sales $600 3 Gearett r'JiU BUY CO 85 Loans Diamonds Jewelry commercial excellent ities tor al most any tvpe of ousiacss: motel tavern etc Brre invited af? Mr Be 1 0740 burC: PAPER hanging palnth ter Ing Hg 1 QMH4 PEARL RD SH 185th STREET (at Laks Shore Blvd) IV BROADWAY (Room 200) VU LCRAiN AVE Wl EUCLID AVE (Room 205) SU AIR compressors wectnc motors ocugn sold red 1 3 75 33 CH 1 4 0 3 ty undoubtedly the best tavern today Leaders in Our ield TU 5 2600 BVERAGE store and route: Established 16 years 5708 I id 9 to 7 17309 Si mpresscr rom CH 1 4081 In Cr pDltig ew erjtiinrren' )L du rw hour st PrPrfl right ixtures west resident al ra pri? S3 300 Plus 52000 124 Dogs Poultry Supplies connections 5th overdrive axle Ready thin cows whiti LOW COST PERSONAL LOANS ite ouiin LnO DECORATING WALL EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Spinets Studio Grand We need tn soac for incoming stock term to suit vcj C'4ber Le opposite to cathedral 1002 superior fe par remWei jng repai Horn additions and alteration kitchens bathrooms attics and garages No job too email Er estimates 1 jkeuood and tt "ide krai imr I Toledo I store A clean si OL 1 5200 vn RA 1 3737 Open Capacity CAE 1 2 ard art: Located in downtown Cleveland ideal coup pa tn era dfsajree Owner PR 1 8053 Repairing ROOING eruson Used Car Center 369 117 WI 1 5300 Midway Between Madison and Lorain ffrr inMNKVS steps PATKS KV1 54 4ONK 1 453 DPIVAYjC pfdell(s garage toun3a (lnaPree estimates VH 3 W425 RRITk woiic old and new hornesTTlaO i cement work remodeling I 2770 We specialize in quick our loan policy is liberal rates are rea sonable Borrow on signatureonly $10 DOWN ON ANY PIANO reconditi AND UNDER $12000 CitvEanK Bid WANTED 5 year? Cieveland Pxation OR COUNTY WIDE SERVICE REE ESTIMATES Remodeling KITCHENS GUTTERS BATHROOMS CARPENTER WORK WALL AND LOOR TILING tTUNITY vmi (L Machinery Cu905 Dicken SR 1 645 quipmer: mg totl living APPLE 1X16 Euclid I JORDAN CO I 7200 DENISON ff rench console ilk nw only Baldwin acrinnir 'tne spinet hospital must seil SAMUEL ZELMXN 1 A 2 A 3 A turn model toh KE 1 0053 PRESS READY TO OPERATE: SONABLE TERMS BOX 11151 DEALER DON sacrifice your busines I5G Interior and exterior free estlmatm Woik guaranteed BR 1 0817 or BEdford 2 3507 day nr night HOUSE AINTING' All work and material guaranteed in aured union prompt suvlce reason' a dip iw 1 mj 1 A NT IN PI A S3 RING WALLS WASHED REASONABLE PA PER CLEANED ALL SIZE ROOMS $35 OP lll 641' Painting papering aatiTTii wrnic la our prldr' Let ua prove It Rn Piralno UL 341 GIT and ra op Lagewond Box 2161 PI an Da GAa station: ma products io rent corner: Sob 000 Tcarlv mc stlv bar an excellent buy 'or Gts station and Garage 2 bays 1 hoist long lease: 3 pump? larje parking lo: Si500 Come anc Restaurant SlOOi Doun lean neat new equipment tMs uis vusy corner HAKTMAX CO 2400 18364 I SOS Hippodrome Bide Entrance Hipp Cheater Lobby Phone MA 1 340S SMI' 1 YOCR BTSIXESS jin if more convenient LAL TV SERVICE DAYS NIGHTS SUNDAYS GUARANTEED WEST 234 2 CE1 039fl Roofing Tinning bays: major prodi tnep esmp I this week: $2 500 'RA 1 6668 or YE GROCERY and de 146 Autos Trucks for Rent delicatessen RENT A NEW CAR SPECIAL low price plastering new home Cutteis natch old from $1 tin fast xervl free fvnr estimate anywhere Woi4 guaianteed work guaranteed' Late model used cars Will pay top dollar west H'st buy In WO 1 34 30 DELICATESSEN Period Spin 5990 new Mriitim 10000x20 nission 2 wf jucautH will sacrifice 1 5538 Pearl Rd Lail nwnri BO 2 3220 Sunday 2 6:30 1 sd'is i CRANE 5 ton underflung era 40 't span with cable hoit and crct to suit UT 1 2664 Rt'a''CIIAPD vrirsrler finish 1 Bullard spiral drive 3 I Cincinnati horizontal Dlam mill Best offer Timken :50 taper presses raaiai arm :2 Cincinnati vertical mill shaper manv ctheis I Also complete line iT new import machinery Grand 5' Grand Cement Asphalt Brickwork fin ENT brick? atone work: special oh qukk service RA 1 2172 CEMENT wniH rf "all types V'a'kfj bafecnent fl'mrln MIl 87i9 PAT tlrowf 'Cement 'work garages jepalr work EV 2 0087 REASONABLE mnt work Painting Papering Cleaning I'ainting Dr'cnratinx Interkr exterior lead and oil guar anteed tatlsfacHon hr rstlmates MONEY LOANED On Diamonds Watches ana Jewelry Special Sale on Unredeemed Merchandise Buy Where You Can Borrow THE GEM OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS 0 Prospect MA 1 4931 NEW LOCATION 438 PEaRL REMODELING PLEASE phone vant ads early i CARPENTER repairs roofing siding chimney Amato ConOf lion lor road Co4732 and RemoddinE Co RD Ohfi A' average and heaters They are ail VU3 5830 AIR compressors oouent sola irlced HOUSECRAT 14136 EUCLID AT 1953 40 Buckeye trailer: perma nently parked Sacrifice 13009 Broad? way Ml 1 9475 intKp ion mTnt kkasunahik whiik: kkke Wallwashing WALL WASHING Paper cleaning window cleaning work guaranbtedfreeeatlmvtei OR I CA35 WALL washing paper cleaning uulck gervlre TO 1 0768 Middlebur" Heights Pearl Rd Pa ma Height and Midaieturz Heights: 65 and 330 TIT 'il 94ft cTgaruandy blus STOP CARPENTER REPAIRS No Job Ton Canvas Decks East No I'K 1 O4J4 Tnc ANTIQUE portable organ fir tone $60 Gall retaeen 10 2 SW 1 3503 PIANO upright with bench reasonable MAJ 84S4 SHOE repair shop busy shopping cen ter: reasonable rent no reasonable of fer refused Call Bob MA 1 4284 or Jaffe Leather Co HE 1 38 11 SERVICE station: 3 bay modern lift mash rack work room: Inventory and equipment: S8QQ LI 1 9604 MA CAE LIQL'OP Our Money OR STOCKER CATJ LE OR YOUR GRASS choice Hereford ralvi and short vearline tfeer 24 choice Hereford uteera 8 3500 YEAR sreadv vear rcund busi Must sell CU Dry Cleaning Plant Employs 30' 5160000 gr per trucks ouildirg and equipment or tner cai HARTMAN CO Spou tint: Channel su oo 52 'r porch attics rv! repair? gutters plastering Quick etfu irnt service No job A 1 7775 fo DELI REPA'I RS Hom repairs all types: expert carpen try immediate service free KE 1 5027 A Taken rom Service Becker vertical mill turret lathe motorized con 24 Hoosier drill 14 ith motor 5 ton Hannifin forcing pre vsd 9 months 2 A turret 'he i with motor needs repair nt required 0 make us of di ara service siop warehouse parking downtown location GIBSON guitar pedlar clarinet' sacrifice 1 3754 ED 1 6568 RABY grand ontempnra rv blond finiih promptly to 4 out of mploytd man women married or single 1 viiit loan phora 1st Damant data Lunch ir service Considerate service in your best interest ind out why ALTERATIONS JjSSiJ EW BUILD1XG Please ie lull in letter BO! Highest primer potC8snRA 1 9 848 SALE Conn tnor saxophone crmpleiely overhauled nw with cai $165 or I bar all cnrTWASTt surrounded by maior rare: tracks clpse tn new shopping center ar well established business Warrensville Libby Rds: grossing $L900inz well located with a weekly and will prove 9 caSP ni liquor per week this district is the most rapid food tv lnrroatle in CuvahCgH CvUO mpnt' uu tease can oe arranges: caH also have cn jelection of 1 ton 8 Mr Hiford rows and rve 35 Mg Hereford springer cows 20 Hereford hlferii with calves i Ai'O finer rrndel and mahogsnv ebon blond and walnut fin 1 now 23 TEEL bod 3 AR Ma sn Pt NCH prnet tn stock! buslne Oft ner DI 1 95 'DONUT and in' shop: b''Cs Xiaiiahle to lyaUon Owner ruzi ej JORDAN CO 7200 DENISON AT 1 6377 Call DI 1 1000 5 ROOMS neighborhood west: sae 5600 fixtures: A condition: leas: 100 rent good cash trade: low pnee APPLE 156 Euclid MA 1 57451 GROCERY MEATS 2 wst double store looms rar: $120o weecy 'proven money maker good buy Appoint 1 Rx DELJCATESEN rrc' eriei 100 TRUCKS i anacm imp? i racton jy REAR TR ERt helpful service ads for Sunday should be placed early in the weelr MH 1 0609 remodeling or new work prrmpt srvl' AT 1 5430 dAPAGES built lengthened repaired on ns a 1 1 ed L1 9337 A I 6 TH I EY fiTE PR HREPLACERJ AMATO LO 1 7A93 CAR) ENTER work" and repairs ail 1103DEP PRIVATE partv wants buy Plymouth 1942 1946 i own tn good shape KE 1 87 A Tcol Co 4075 Prkv Rive CL 1 2555: AD 5 3798 EXHAltT fans and automatic shutters: rw from 16" to 30" 110 BUDGET PLAN weeks to pay $250 always shows good profit a national concern with reference? front iiirM $ans chamber cf commerce etc neeas includes 'hj A tvpe persons supe wise distribu Lxtures non of nationally advertised merciandi UT 1 3JJ0' OR YOUR CAR o810 Eucll i rvle A 8 cablr typc electric SAMUEL ZELMAN rti izz Carry Out Luncheonette as good lunch and reamnabi JORDAN CO 7209 DENISON AT 1 637 7 Oldest ord Dealer 1 7600 Detroit AC 1 1100 NEWThJOTS INSTALLED and spouting repairs all will not be undersold: all free ern I A 2U72 anytime 1 Roots Repaired $5 up Nave money on all types of roofs and reps trs gutter work a specialty citywide TRAILR MART IXC LORAIN AVE AT 150 ST Brookpark Rd at 116 OR 1 8811 1951 colonial 34 fU perfect condi tion: 11 conveniences: situated on lot will accept furniture as part dpwn pay ment: ready or occupancy Painesville 9937 IDEAL YE 2 i2B2 TV" SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT $20(1 90 DAY GUARANTEB A TV MU 1 4095 EAST TV SERVICE WEST PROMPT AND EICIENT $2 00 90 DAY GUARANTEK HE 21988 CHECKER TV SERVICE 62! Hmpodrome Bldg Ma 174 Eyenmgs Sunday UL 1 GU Reentrant BELR WLNE Doing good businew Can be im proved 3Vill stl er tease i espe njtM party 110 LA 92 BUCYRUS Erie 10 crawler crane 25 crane twrfirn clam huciret airlead ya'd shovel fron od condition Heliner 6428 Pearl Rd Parma i nl12n ai paniT 1 0740 VlASO TEACH IN( HARTMAX CO 4297 33U) ttae PC ON 0040 rrtuMON Too! Distributes Denfn Mrrnmerert Calipers Tapes Etc Act Tool Co 820 i Prospect MA 1 0975 lovPlETE paint snop 30' infrared Busy Heights i'tu convey': wir paint cp ana watr wasn booth can be sorr seen in operation EX 1 1 160 iTP romnrsctrr Lrir ar rn nm a mn tors hcs pneumatic devices and 2 service Air compressors Motors inc AtnfnuJ! ft 1 zSaa SAWS $15 saved buy direct and own Cement Asphalt Brickwork BEAUTIYING YOUR HOME1 Call RA 1 5402 for free estimate on block concrete or cement wora and carpentry MATHEWS CONSTRUCTION CEMENT DRIVEWAY AND BLOCK WORK REE ESTIMATES LI 1 5854 BRICKLAYERS: A will do repair work on new jobs reasonably WIA 1 07 on I OUNDATIONS under old homes: ga i rase and cement work: any kind MO 2 S096 MO 2 3234 TU 5 1532 i GLENVILLE CONTRACTORS Prompt service on all concrete work guaranteed PO 1 197 8 ChUnnexs foider Machines Mfr Corp BeaverPa 54 IN Rogers vertical boring mill dou bi swivel heads $4 200 A Mfg exterior Pit PAIN'IING paper na'ngiug murk service 1 iM'i EX I 1 136 PAPER rieanlng and paint washing work guaranteed EX 1 OOld PAPER lunging (leaning and removing wall washing: Kern Ton wa 1 5178 EXTERIOR Interior: Work guaranteed lower rates If hooked now MA 84''4 STEAMING' WALLPAPER: Long expert 1949 dRf5 lardon see at 915 72 St Apt 4 EN 1 5748 Of HE 1 S570 2 950 INTERNATIONAL ton pirkup Mode! 110 long body truck A Lake 5885 Lorain OLIVER Cfetrar tractor end loader Call HI 2 6217 after 7 194 1 INTERNATIONAL panel truck: good condition 300 Call J3A 1 7844 1S1 stubklMKKH 4i tcn Silent (ondltlon: wlH sacrifice must see OR 1 792 TatfCK iv 1 2 fl (' cheap to mnye UT i 747m 1949 pl'kup truck radio heater A ship EV JD7343 1948 INTERNATIONAL dump box: A WY 1 5115 use5 DwCk CpiK MOTORS 510 EUCLID RgySUARTRS for Used'Trucks CRTSLKR PORUti B21 Superior jfUS'DODGE van CT15 IS lt body650t AT 1 4058 1 tn panel good Hn 5225 PE 4 5J32 Anniversary Sale i USED SPINETS KRAKAUER BALD WIN ACROSONIC ESTEY MIPRCR PIANO SPINET PRICES ROM $145 Reported $34000 in 1952 rent bnly $110 per month for cafe and 5 rooms' and bath owner ill mint sell asking $23500: open for an offer Mon ii4R KBS ti' slrltht i paint ll new mot' air and iraiirr rubber speed i snn 1946' ORD ton panel' lent body motor tires: used Cleaner sno rw: gnHi buy WAk'fW MClTriPC 4 350 'Mayfield OfGreenEV 22424 1950 CHEVROLET panel ton ma rnon 29000 miles recently replaced 6 piy tlrs spare excellent buy 450MO 2 5984 AsLrAL 1951 CHEVROLET dump 2 tons: 2 speeds plated 900x20 rear: 825 front radio healer 17000 miles Mtnnodmme Rirtf EvenlngsSc Sundays 3 CAE 100i? location tn downtown HMno nvr COS nftft this liquor 2zce ioc excellently equipped If vou are looking for a nice place in a procaerAus city pass this up orice $45000 Geo Annos vv arreu GREAT 1 1 riJ ieNn monrna on ouiq nw a gol home CE 1 1101 MICE P't white blark and blak and white BOXER PUP 3 4 fmalrt Call publlc4 321 Akron BOXER pup veekn old A Cl excellent pedigree $100 CL 1 BJ67 GROCERY west price BLY CO HAPDAAR store forces sal Tall ACKERERREALTY TR 9400 ICE CREAM CU ARD AND SANDWICH DRIVE IN Wndow service and car rp Urge TOP soil: big had $12 50 immediate delivery UL 1JH74 EA! TOP soil rich $2 50 yard' clean fl'll 727D ROTOTILLING 'npsoil new lawns WI12 6O4 RICH? dean large load 1 250? AT 1 0364 I ROTOTILLING SK 1 9380 SK 063 loam topsnil $250 a yard A1 yards or more west SH 1 3538 TREES stumps removed sawed prompt srvlce yy3 7036 TREES cut down or removed free estl sKl 533R Linoleum I TILE linoleum carpeting ainki ln sta)led reasonable Shear MU 1 8736 Mason Plastering DI af20 Motel IMnuiin 12 units ranch house Verrrjjion 'r tre Lak: Routes 6 2: than $50000 SoOOn cub required Tha i ra: buv THE ROEBEPPY CO Ph'Hif Of 1 H40 Anvtime 2131 rhlll Rd Cleveland 6 Ohk "Machine shop" s' zp eatailuhfd 4t 1 AND 2 Including 4350 word largest Is famed fr depend hitorre from rcn'aii must sll 16011 service New cars grd trucks ry hour day week drive vour own' lew' raG minimum: no mnluilnt utrii u'l'l gas oil insurance '9 PAINT RITE CO PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING GENERAL REPAIRS TERMS I DESIRED RA 1 5066 Evenings RA 1 233S OR outside painting call Harper Work reasonable: free estimates Dav JIB 1 om Eve 1 4096 HOUSE PMN'EING Interior exterior: union Insured rea sonable ree estimates McKinley Dcrating Co SW 1 8420 PAPER HANGING $12 UP: WHITE 14700 i 5310 103? 143 Trucks Trailers Pans 11112 EUCLID AVE Open Mrn Trurs i ei es Radio Television TV SERA ICE Mavnard railer Sales 4849 W35 St SH 67 Open 7 Da ys a ek The inest in Trailer Homes Prairie Schooner let Glenn tell you the story TuM Thurs ri mornings Channel 4 at Stvkhriilze hanrr nowrr on A A I I lorence and 45' trailer Now onl5own stroke 5 Parma Suburban One ct the finest on 1 St cair GL Price 523VU ukiuucs ('nueuriu fixtures and equipment: modern living tfr Iflfi fa nn Ifl el lot lease: $150 with option to nurena e1 ALEB 7 year 1d brick building '26 Old established TUCKY 'to established ii HONESTY LrI AND RELIABILITY MORE IMPORTANT SCHNEIDER LOAN INANCE CO 1HAN A i EXPEKIENCL nr siiIk i in ill company and not for sal but must be the CITY serviced bv person selected Serviceable car and SivBO to casn re se en Convenient Offices In Cleveland i i cutrec secured oy merchandise our to DISCOUNT OPP sx nous WJ rr ookkerp 404 Pa'k PubHc Sq su MASONRY and tie i mei cr and se to our ttt '1 (legal venoms machines Scare time up Simpson HUmtov to ouu I good pc 1952 WC 22 Whites 1951 192 Tandem Dump 10 30 Van Trailers M95 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM TRACTORS UDE ESON Vari trrvA vejetabi hauler 'an be usd trucK to proud move: lady alone terms TOWER CO fcervcrWnjl( guarailerd OL 4552 A KXTEf'ibn 1 2 LOf reasonable LO 1 59'15 SRMAN BROKER 7641 0fBO2 927 CAE factory and neighborhood CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY JUNE 1 A 1953 140 House Auto TrailersDONTM ISS'TH BUY BUYS the world most talked about mo bile heme: n' you can have a whole new adventure trailer living WE pay lop for late model cars Hillsboro 14115 Detroit LA 1 4016 GlT'mre for your car at NOPTON 63oq EUCLID UT 1 6500 WE PAY' TOPS OR YOUR CAR Euclid 95 Motors GA 1 4032 WE pay Top Cash Price Lowd eder 5 ai tuciiu TOP DOLLA Ben Hart Motor HIGH CA BENNETT YU TOP 'DOLLA I WE CALL AT Y( ALL meta! sta Roberi (42 ACIORADIOS 1 1 Industrial Credit Cleveland financial Institution ROsE LI) Si 1 9800 147 Motorcycles Bicycles HARLEY liZvIdion 0'ej "or' rd for J'ep J5626 riend Ave Mapie Helfhjjr 1949 HARLEY bavidabh 74 Mint kH fi'JJ I I7 blu MY IXEANINC MAKE rmn hdOMING Eom" wtct 1 non pi 431 'Term Bin Biun 01 1 2 32 11 Amidin Co tror CL 1 10S9 A Lender in Our ield nets inv TV 5 2500 'Lorn on EUCLID AT 13TH 1155 Euclid An 2nd Winou: Bids MAin 1 H22 EUCLID AT 4TH 401 Euclid Ae Rsum 217 The Arcidt Superior 1 55M WESTSIDE 1IJS 25th St 2nd Metzner Blds MAin MEIS SOUTHEAST 5414 B'dM (Cor 55th) VULun 1 41H IJ5TH ST CUIS1953 St Clair An Graund GLanvilla 1 II7I EAST CLEVELASO 13511 Euclid Aenue MUIberrf 1 5115 LAKEWOOD HS9I Detroit An 2nd Acadamy IHI EUCLID 22171 lake Shan at 212nd St REdwood 1 2424 LORAiN 641 aadmiy 2nd loor Phone: 56151 El) RIA 392 Brood St 2nd Cor ol Middle Aie Phone: 4764 loani mod ri'dntt of oil surrounding towns 5533 Pearl Rd 5 LAKEWOOD cf long stand hne Sioooon this year very Ltd modern fixtures ano equip larg'1 double tore' favorable The DRIVE IT Co 32 Yean of Dependable Service GR 1 2158 SPECIALIST: formica sink tops com plete hr hen ana bath remodeling Norm Gt7lafLOE 1 4262 SMALL I' bs preferred remodeling pain' aperial garae iervk Vaughrt EV 2 0356 7722 GENERAL rmulfuction repairs paint ing remodeling roofing tinning' easy I2S Horses Stock arm Tools TTT'TI r8 pir frPe estimates 1 622j Japanning and Baked Enameling Production Spraying or Dipping work AT 1 4149 Open Capacity urret and Engine Lathes Drill Presses T56 Terr 6 OOOr Aitype Lilt True Set sepherd puppies pedigreed JjDJW EMALE 1 2117 3701 Spnksne AfPKDALK 2 year P'dlgre pt $50 BE 2 5082 ftr 6 parskeef normals ups!) po 1 2f BOXER pins A beauties I or pt mui selLV 1 9664 female lines Ready KRAKAUEp ffmd 5 65 bo 6 2 IP A Victor phonograph porlabh 5175 Junkers Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID OR WRECKED BURNED AND JL'NK CAPS AND TRUCKS CALL WY 1 2266 2: ve Ai selling CE 1 9716 HIGHEST i MA 1 1673 SPOT cash for musical Too Price: re Appraisal Ebstein' Prospect 13 PROSPECT AVE MA 1 5409 Complete Repairs Chimneys brick stone tuck pointing concrete restoration SH I 3800 GERMAN ibpbrd and fan fe male: 1 ar: A house trained Inix ulated: for show or pet WT 3 1240 pe OfLE fashlb' aM oy pup rie A whit reasonable Phone CHASTE TO START HOME MA CHINE SHOP UNIT 1 WARNEP SWASEY 1 r2A WARNER 4 SWAEY 1 CINCINNATI AOIE TURRET LATHE SWING: 1 BENCH GRINDER 1 IN CAPACITY DRILL 'naired and Replaced PO 1 5313 HERTZ Drlv Ur STATIONS l'ir lilAu fiA0h n4 cw tx oim'nn rCAT r4 17OO 11h i I'Ll 1 atnn rn Because of the Urge vol ume of orders advertisers fl re earnestly requested to place their ads before noon To ch 1 3810 Owner retiring 32 year in bui gQOu location: 4 ikthjc about $15000 low over Cleveland suburb fr' estimates 1 34 1 6 1 mMl jobs MU 1 HH 1 aftr 5 pjaTer repair vork: ne In fX it! riral rarpenler repairs tenor sfijcti wc AC 1 6792 I rn nW1 on prl lrr tl Mt nl Oil rkahonABIKRATES 5W nw and fdd Quirk serv it srr tvc I lnsn Annlnmnnt RW i RUBBISH ashes dirt "load hour1 settle for his nurse or contract EX 1 4773 WY 1 5723 yo persona! DUMP truck haul ng rubbish JA 4 1 homP $330 east or west: DRIVERS with trucks I or part and holidays same i time LO 1 1 532 I ba all itiffnlnum nntanna i DAD and general hauling and mv installed $2495 Bill feltel 1 704 Co mz ruomsn oasem*nis entry rta I RENT A TRUCK MOVE YOURSEL EAST 1832 huciia Vii i oauu SH O'75 MAN With hydrautm staxe truck rat's rnntrart hauling EN 1 6365 I RUBBISH ash removal from homes far tones cafes A I 1 wi Landscaping LANDSCAPING RototlHlnr top soil lawn maintenance gardening MQ 2 65X1 JOHNS top scli rfch sandy loam do clay no stones no weeds $250 yard loads Day or nignt tik i ouua ROTOTILLING: Garden Prompt reasonable service or PO 1 0620 tLee ora Lorau Auto Pans Repairs ar in enough a ood pay pestaupants HjR LEAK EUCLID AVE SHOPT HOCPS NO 2 OPEN KPI HEN SUJ J666 1947 Choi' of fr ur units The an ton cab and chassis with al! sei enrBxed utility bodies These urts are deal lor iuiHuris a rntracttng titan 10128 Lorain A' enue kJ i tu ORJ 943J fflon 503A 6 i OOD STORE GROCERY MEATS PRODUCE SJUUU Uthh AND UV6T vears i st'radv vde in County Pa: pric 514000 land building smoke house equipment and big CO 3 at 1 Bank Bld 1 3810 OOD MARK 1 30 Bennirgton i froren rossed QUICK GENEROUS LOANS DIAMOND WATCHES ANTIQUES BINOCULARS CAMERAS SEALED VAULT PROTECTION HARMAN JEWELERS 1902 9th LIBERAL LOANS In diamond and jewelry Lowest rates in Cleveland Est SOL mav rn am PwnAt Jt rtm I 11 ii III! "iirKTO Hl I IT' W1 rp 1 1tww JMiranJ inance Corp 404 The Arcade lull NEED $200 immediately increasing accordingly ort WY 1 107 9 inv vnurne'f in i non number to Bnx 3161 piaini rersonai Loans (oanKS) Painting Papering Cleaning We Know Plow! BEORE YOU PAINT SEE US 10 year guaranteed against alligatoring flaking or peeling 24 HOLR SERVICE OL 1 2 700 CASH PROMPTLY Get a cash l)an of $25 to $900 or more here promptly Your loan is custom made to vour needs and i income Phone firt for a loan in a single trip Write or come i I I'K pUli ROO YE 2 1 350 ER 1 1 25 2 IJeiicatPsen Eaxt 2 'A MCdfice $5300 pint $2000 cu You a Lee to xatch thia bun PIANOS WANTED i Br' 1 rH 1 Uooy rH I rrvr ru I A kJ 1 1 1 WAS 47 7 5 NDW 405 CURRIER 3084 MAYIELD AT RABY "GRANDS Ik rw? Knib' Germr 2027 EuclidJ 127 Machinery Tools Motors 80 Business Opportunities iTselI trade a ppi ance si ore Blue print cabinet 1 REPAIR IW COVER THE ct c'nn'j inn i Industrial ermmarciai residential ana I 1 IS 10 I inancin I CALL LES i KO I RUCTION CO Most reasonable prices on anv type ofj remodeling building repairing NO MONEY DOWN HA financing 3 years to pay Don atl Cail for free estl TRAVELS AND NEW MOON TRAI1ER5 I Ln7r Wlth m010r 3600 BHOOhrAKR LU lx irP ADMIRAL on lovely lot with awning building doily and conveniences $1300 Libby Tinier Par Lot 17 2 2763 REMODEIiXG MASONRY ATTIC CONVERSION KITCHENS BAsem*nTS ADDITIONS I HA erms no down payment We also build new homes commercial land industrial blds reparcd and re modeled windstorm and fire aonralsals No selling SERVING CLEVELANDERS 38 YEARS IT 1 0711 EX' 2 lSO owned by1 511 lz MAin 1 1065 sio to vToSo Allen Construction 2 YZAR old saddle bred mure golden chestnut ive year old yeidinr dark fTorvt Jilt 7 7483 SADDLE and blanket saddle hra and bridle condition 3'0 Phon Halnbrtdg 920 Steptoe shaper 20000 Ibe 5 32Mx2x' steel McCarty Company 203 Crescent Drive Akron 1 Ohio Phone collect PArxway 4 5236 day or night PRICES SLASHED nnvrMMK cared heart lath coast trailer hitches and tow bars taner attachment $1900 rent Dick Srhunck 5300 Pearl Rd BUALO No 14 drill presses $250 1950 GLIDER de lux 30' sacrifice iob A No 2 surface grinder magnetic finish home 24769 lorence off Colum chuck motorized 31100 bta North Olmsted (LINCOLN 200 amp welder gas engine hjsiI CTRAMI IT 30' mint sell at drive portable $493 or first o00 takes it BE 2 3397 GAUGES Thread nog and plug snap ikivs b'etwn 9 and plain plug various sizes ueeka6S betu een1 2 9pm i CHAIN ALLS Trolleys electric 195o ROZY 33 completely eouipned digh PPEED drills taps dies end Wlh arrange small down payment Wil milling cutters grinding wheels Inughby 2 54 $9 I IT T( 'H I 34 PONTIAC Chief sleeps 6 low down Aky'ib VJVI payment: balance like ren Call 8404 St Clair EN 030 Mur ui alter SPARTAN 25': toilet: birch reaaonaoic terms i RICHARDSON? Mh OOQrtX I4I Wanted Autos Trucks Carpentry Masonry I loor inishing Sanding Rooting ana General Repairs "'r 'Gai I st 'Television Service ML 3 'Antenna repairing and nw Installation 4e6 777 7 i no ur service priori 1Y SERVICE 1 TOPsOIL: Large load 5 1 East or West jp storm arras rn t'i 8 I 33o7 Wcbt 125 WI 1 1400 ROTOTILLING Lr rrj ztitui? iiiwis Dishwasher Water Heaters Radio etc Sales anil Service Leading Lines irmly established business on Mam In prosperous town of 25000 diaw trade from wide area excellent opera tion fully equipped and stocked: rent $50 a marvelous buy fcp $22000 kt irnnvTi A 1 Vat Ifv Hank Hia? AUTO CAE GROCERY ETC BUY OK SELL Selling Your Business Is Our Business WE INANCE ANY BUSINESS THE APPLE CO 1 me rrrr tn rT MA 1 3745 GROCERY ETC BUY OR SELL 325 OICES COAST TO COAST A KORYTA INC 25 3 The Arcade MA 1 1789 ALTO WASH doing good business eoutpment worth $4000 oldest auto wash In West Park 1 000 customers may have up to 4 years lease Burl's Auto Wash 157 Lorain RRP Cine f'na: Hough Ave location Ul'IHf because of ither Inteiests Cail owner' for a tempting deal Sun BR 1 6696 I weekdays HE 1 9264 1 BEAUTY SALON 1 uowntuwn: CWO lUHUl'H wru nr luted Box 95d Plain Dealer Western Reserve Construction Co REPAIRS CARPENTRY Punch Presses BOVGJ1T AND SOLD AL PRICE MACHINE INC i3901 Lakeside ICE machine nractirsllv new Qi Vliier ammonia with 100 with building living quarters: electric motor all controls and control 0ner will take bac fest mor oeph BaC'O broker GA 1 7242 nr i'5onn LI'QUOR S75OO DOWN In city shopping center factory dlt trie? 40 minutes drive from Cleveland IS 00O I I 3 leases good bush tsa A rK DELICATESSEN GROCERY 2 S1500U huildinr business and stock 1 BODY tally eouWDed ni lr An general repairs 15326 Waterloo Rd I III JL vz II 1 vz TOWER CO IDonodrom Bids MA 1 3174 Evenings A Sundays CL 1 6300 CARD GIt bHUl' location in Lakewo xl with ex I cellent inventory of clean saleable mer tre cer Cleveland equipment good lease terms priced x210? right for quick sale Moving out cf town Phone Thompson 903 aiter information and call WILLKOM BROKER CH 1 696 9 WY 1 21 5 or Late Model Cars See Before You Self DETROIT AUTO 6710 ucJ 1 1 CHIMNEYS Rebuilt or oncx repair puiuung ri steps A Pinto SK 1 8900 3377 118 ather aon Guaranteed Ll uob5 CTf I 1 TVS PlumbingSewefCleanlng SEWERING Brie work steps sauna Copper water lines installed remodeling 1 9 11 I kitchen bathroom install hot water hrivpwavs I tanks: no cash needed: easy terms free r1 estimates Will install Lxtures CDU 1 1 a rVH rr Intx Ll i 1 new Improved method assures you of a job at tower cost terms tree 7 estimates City Asphalt Concrete EleCtHC OCWCr Cleaning Copper watr hns installed without d'g Ring up to 5 year guarantee: gas lines repaired Call an? time CE 1 5555 BO 2 4400 Electric Sewer Cleaning Written guarantee It we don't open you don't pay nights or Sundays east or west HE 1 2797 1 5628 or CE 1 5204 any time MAROTTA" electric sewer cleaning and repair copper water lines Installed with out digging 24 hour service WA 1 9322 LO 1 0497 REPAIRS remodeling copper lines tanks heater gas line tests sewers I EX 1 0739 'PLUMBING repairs quick: lowest rafe 1 4406 1 Qr nignt 2 2UU i Any wn er 'PLUMBING HEATING AND SEWER tnrrx i7trsV2 ton 'imdeTT 2 i Prompt service LQ 1 954U yard loadsw or east MI 1 690 8 ASPHALT cement driveways free estl mates Cail 2 1314 Electrical Wiring ELt TltlCAL Wl 1 XG' Commercial residential industrial 11 cersed KE 18 'TY (32 Sale Diamonds Jewelry Dorner Chevrolet Co A1 riGcuIousiy low price we r'f oi 14000 ST CLAIR TiOO HEAVY duty J' hn Bean tru'ic and pas senger rar frut end aligner and colli sion ra a with all jacks and wheel baUncer puck and passenger car Can be nancd bg saving lt equipment never used Crnpp Garaz Ht 10 and Durk pd Phone i9T8 CHEVROLET 12 fnr cin throuzh tul Robt Lee Inc 2 39 YE 2 0016 MACHINERY CALE TYPES KE 1 S000 ds and hd of yearUrr il'rs and a'eera BRICE CREESY A ndov plall 1Jl bfQr comlnf PALOMINO: B4Ullful year old rl dit btnirf excellent f'r Irallx and sL'tw fin manners and dlsn'wltlon' will sell la $425 bld SW 5 4741 2 or Phone Newbury (J 112 anj Mmr SEVERAL horses and ponies saddles 2 hors trnr breaking art TIJ 5 3463 5650 Hauserman Pd vie motorized I 6 2 1 Hippodrome Bdg MA 1 6174 1 1 I 1 a inn Avev senjitive drilling machine IM 11 tvoe ftvle A 8 Al IX 2 I on hoist 20 Rntarv Latch 7til 96 Mr Carpenter MO Service Stations I HARTMAX CO 427 35tn outate Rd ONI u040 GAsni iw vnox vws'VXT' JIMMY BROWN? station light repairing Euclid Ave Co rental' inventory and equipment $600575 Pn 5 4100: '2 STORY bncx building now occupied Businesses ana tenants i corner cA Detroit Ave and minutes from Public square: no increase Zf nrs in ve Incm can doubled No lease Building coua be 1 'til 10 remiKsrieu anereu vr rt'Aiiy purpusea 417 ft frontage on Detroit Av 631 ft rar 12 ft alley for dT 1 2 i I rfk ft dee $3 60 00 cah 1 737 2 1 ACPE Island In Parry Sound On sol cor rr mt 'i Ilario district rf Georgian Bay Cios to $675 mana excenen iim iuc nuiiuus I A XI) (() ns suitable nub large family or to DqroA mercial use 35000 dc wn balance I al7 $7 500 bv first mortgage ne 1 I si I) I I tr Wftnftr 2 6 7 0 Dcmtri'Gn hi 1 Windsor Ontario CTP4 HA Complete Home Srvlc No Dnwn 3 Years to Pay Commercial and industrial buildings re paired and remodeled county wide sen ir octtmarn 991 Huron Rd I zi 1 1 1 A i A jr i UL i'l'll'1 1129 Pianos Musical Instruments vvnln 3nd YE years price iYk uiMM for used ca sonable rent MAl 3332 I BEAUTY shop: Good location: eatwell established reasonable EN 1 1587 I HM30 BOOK card Noon 16304 Detnlt Ave BARBERSHOP Money maker reason able 1 35 9 1 05 SL PO 1 54 BEAUTY shop East make o'ffer EX 1 49S8 APPLE 16 Etirlid DIXERTIXTURES mo'ed J'y equipped mace offer 3 4620 CH 1 9607 Dry Clfanin Tailoririu rl M0 WO CMO '9r Mr Kazmin dpi me hur district sime iaicn 3 years Mean st'xjr ru 3752 or prudright See onr 1780S EucJd ukug ena Hshed no founts becau of ilir na Bo Deal DEI ICa ESSEr Mt emd in Lakew' qd nesa In downtown location doing ex cellent business expect at least $150 000 gross this year Located 30 miles from Cleveland 12500 cash required Call Jefferson 1279 Akron tor a ppolryment VSED CAR LOT OR LEASE Established location 1144 1 Euclid A'e 4 3 00 LO 1 733 1 VARIETY STORE West Side good summer spet ideal for 1 rr Ini mall tlnnlnf renal ert snrt placed work and matfrial guaranteed' prompt rrvKGTU 5 1270 I'bOHN'G and downspouts fur nace rrpalrsj free estimate RA 6Oft7 ROOING GUTTERS DOWN' SPOUTS EN 1 7876 LEAKY roofs repaired gutters down Al 7311 VETERANS 2 for rMKIngDInnlnt and furnace lepaiis HE 2 003 1 Sewing Machines Repairs Quick Service On all makea of aewlng machine and vacuum cleaners i ree estimates home repairs guaranteed Call Your Nearest Singer Sewing Center CALI? PR 1XlTC nr in Reconditioned Singer $2450 THE MAY CO repairs any machine In yourjiome Rentals d'H 1 3000 Slip Covers SLIP covers and draperies us torn made samph shown at home CE 1 9017 Upholstery Slip Covers Draperies HEUPHfjLSTR UPNI ftTRK" Now coats atmut 6 th coat nf new fur nlture terms 5 year luarantee NELSON UPHOLSTERING CQ 1572 11 66 All hmirs HE 1 5658 140J Ci unit Upholateting pepairlng PROPElUY OWNERS DEAL DIRECT CARPENTRY ROOING KITCHENS BATHROOMS Lt CVWJJTX liErnie Lock SW 1 3 154 Trmi MIUlin I zucua pppair PMODELING oo EXCEPTIONAL pp yt in op rm lB'hKom' tiutum pM fn TOP DOLLAR cn lntromfn uc rvra ouick 'T 5' 1 tjr II reoi new and uvd I met nt wxe no job tw small 'k MOK'S musical INSTRUMENT MAPl'Dl 1 8661 aler 6 or MO 2 0607 (4 3 WHEzLP crm endrn Mcy 172 th nar Sup1or PR lll? dav or A'S ao'mc4 fri i woo TaM(Sc NTP PA I EM EL 1 4 a a a Bathwms kitchen til work additions dpt rf: BABY grand Henry Miller good enn Plain Dealer gition: reasonable Call eves or Sun vert rea Willoughby 2 33 17 I WE BUY RENT SELL Cn la I It ri A PHU Jj'lr Shhlon Muic Home 216 rm'pct wanted LA Bbv grand plflno for horch: murt hr I riA ur i BETTER ptanrM cost ia at 4 5cr Piano Co 3303 55 SL romer ofDrak Open eve errt at 1 1 a laiii 14 ranw puppy 1 2030 KODcrt uencon inoculation take 6 month sacrifice wo 1 Bros inc: Custom hbht Dkr Aarz'Iiil nz'f iirit I vnlnv A 1 I rl jv IKRAKAUER Brnx niano A 1 ondhion' JI'k "azao a trust sell $200 1A) 1 6752 10608 Carnegie Aye 1 ft 7 Halo Afr7ncan SIAMESE Gloria like nv 5650 GA 1 7978 color pmnii ana Hipp Theater Bldg 8th 720 Euclid Ave TOwer 1 5138 2012 25th at Lorain 7th United Office Bldg PRospect 1 4579 1117 Hayden Avenue at St Clair Glenville 1 631 2 5601 Broadway 2nd loor BRoadway 1 0221 10701 Lorain Ave across from Searstown ORchard 1 9343 Our Lorain Ave Office open Monday riday evenings until 9 Loam made lo residents of nearby towns MA 1 1845 1204 CdrnrgiA Ai MA 1 9676 H701 Sn Clair Ave ML 1 I 1 12'r Blr T1 E'nlr A SnU CL WiCE SX lijr's i ICE' CREAM VENDING BL CORPORATION 13429 EUCLID AVE PHONE MU 1 4800 3106 25TH SI PHONE SH 1 5790 USE COMMON SENSE See Cornrnonweakh Loan $80 to $500 QUICKLY Lock phune dook for Office located near you Vi ru I ECONOMY SAVINGS AND LOAN i bupcrvit or Alan or Woman 2123 9th at prospect ch 1 4294 i i) At unraiH' ana CLC square 300( )D Per Month Posable to 15717 tjAO aruauway at ii4rvara 3ol4 must after SxaLL YOUR CAR AT TOP PRICE BAKER KING CO Your De Soto Plvmouth Dealer er 71 and Eucild EX 1 3225 500 CARS wanted out of DOLLAR all years makes Euclid Auto 5 10 1 Euch 1 2 8 00 icjr unep a mnnn prices paid far Pontiac and Olds We call at your home KE 1 56 1951 ORD 2 door ordomatc custom 14000 miles $1350 Brandt's ord Service CL 1 5839 I RESTAURAN'I go od nppor I i 150 RrZJM HrTEL 'Truck MOnob butlnezs I Td 1 60 eajiorrent Goen ifPESA hfp in Mayfield Vllhr or'' Askkrg $12 500 Mi fnf' rmatlon all Hl 2 3953 10 SV 1 124 5 I Mi 39 BOOMING 5 year picorn lent $30 Price $3500 wnu a a 'a an ra no iron g06d tor ibuple forc 1J Poomlng 5 yar lx irAm $300 i 'YQ11J77L t0 2 $100 rce $5000 term 74 4e iO YY 2 M4C0 READ ESTATE CAPE 5 WITH PROPERTY ULTON DENISOaN AREA Grossing1800 a week from working class trade Ihing quarters consist of 5 wu im iL urlth 1 hu rl tTWi this DlSCe has been established for 20 years and has a reputation of being one of the 2 Awzicr nn a a in rcrsvri tn paae willing to invest uo to 3100000 in! sound rujner tnar win s' ia a ngm in vestigation no rnmes or nromottonprincipals only confidential Box 10861 power table Machinery GL 1 2'104 29 14 if oa ns we A 1 4515 WLbT MD SUPER i Crocerv odu rrw god lrwa'hn'doing $150000 annuanv: lo overhead anza Aif Kinzc Cl'Tiyer 'ill sbs nencing 'Jr i ASSOCIATE or pai VENTILATING EQUIPMENT BLOW" Efr ANS SHUTTERS SPRAY Piemium BOOTH ANS ELECTRIC MOTORS: Amv rnrn MACHINERY TOOLS SUPPLIES Cleveland: old established HORVITZ MDSEL 1 060 ST CLAIR proposition for right person iOM i uvv Kaiivn per mmuie rentni ugal pumps direct connected 30 220440 3 60 motor: 52 ft head fiiicnon 4 rischarrp: Inperc ll Rand EAST WEST TV SERVICE DAYS NIGHTS 90 DAY GUARANTEE LOANS MADE 1'0 RESIDENTS ALL SURROUNDING EOWNS Signature Loans By Phonti b25 to 1000 lor Kill anil Other Expenses IP TO MONTHS TO REPAY Secured Loans 'n Made OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 1 Wanted LATE TYPE MACHIXES i'6O" Blanchard grinders 4 2" Blanchard grinders 14x30 Cylindrical A grinder 14x7 3 Cylindrical i grinder5 A late type AT 1 1133 SW 5 0882 REAL ART TELEVISION GENERAL MOVING LIGHT HAULING 'pv CEDYTCr HOUR LOAD OR CONTRA CT I cLKV ICE LI 1 6914 SW 1 9412 T'x 1 HAULING ashes rubbish and iron any I UclVS 1S IglltS 1 SoT 1 Best deal In town cn antenna 'U 966K 'tiOnS 90 Day Guarantee HAULING Rubbish Sun ashes or top i 1 1 soil or asteadyrrb LU l2420 I 1 llHO lurnrure nr ruoDisn fr i AsMar ai tviMu jrKy ce you cal! vour doctor you don't wnen vou call me persnrnt attention no service call inrlud'n? lubes and picture tube checked in vour evenings price: 10 i ANTED' Barehard chuot type a power fed ba gear $525 5 ton tocl ng mostly sola by pound eutters drills end mills 78 Carbaloy 1 loci Jjits arbe rs OL1 572 1 1 LE BLOND lathe with 2 chu 'ks draw mt attachment motorized: 1 lOx 30 piane cylindrical grinder mctonzpc 10x36 plane cylin drical grind rized AT 1 1 133 MOTORS 1100 v3h 1725 $950 $850: capacitated type new gains terms 4 Mattlin 202 EuclidAopene I PIANOS WANTED PRICKS PAID 80 Business Opportunities '80 Business Opportunities i 5 RESTAURAX'E GOST 'complete electric fixture counter table i t'noer Clair Ave no flwMnf wnw income S700 a wee priced to Wholesale and retail with field Mtegiuuu per wreec: rases nyuvr force going busmeu for manager AUth Pr Le Blanc tnnl and cutter on2Prf dealership no entertainment no food I ZiZA "Make No Investigate i 1 1 ir a i 1 VM lLY KuVy EVl 7019 SK 1 4 2 IS ASP HALT DR1 EWAYS HA 3 years to pay parking areas re surfacing guaranteed free estimate rustereo Asphalt Paving Co SK 1 04 4 8 ACE ASPHALT CO Drivewar? Parking Lots Resurfacing HIGH quallt LOW rales Terms i CALL DAY OR NIGHT MA 1 8494 Asphalt Drives PARKING LOTS: GUARANTEED WORK st is7O ARC 1 4226 PERRY'S Slag 'CO: Slag S3 25 cinders $345 a ton: 7 tons or more bulldozer grading HE 1 4406 1 BPOKMt re wine RESTAURANT rafe I 2 ll'erse Eli I K1 2 years wexiy grs 1 tj'j'i to re 1 4'u leaving "tty rnuv en imme CL SIrSViV a5sG7h'7 YE 2 6r XA RESTAURANT Ckcd I'xation by own SmCut Vr4l? 112 due lo 111 hMlth open but cHu nneu Ur 1 484 wn prt gW ft 46 91 rst buinw njoys an Hjdi''n ''I9 hr i H'caUxrii in Ar pypgjpES dors Champion ji iineQ corns! sjo many LT 1 i MAO 212 fib 23259 Pn Dar lain wH rw psnie rn 1 saio ic cvikfr tnsni (3: bdirred 7 1 A 1 A A 1 lai 4 BEdford 2 63d Anniversary Sale i 10 to 40 DISCOUNT pVAb NOW Call Se a rest Office for Immediate el ctionf 4276 EAST 5724 WEST II50I 406 Ings HE 1 4032 NO 26 late moal Van Norman uni' CALI LARRY CO OVER 55 YEARS IN BUSINESS ZX IM1 1 i 1 ILln I I ALSO BUILD NEW HOMES REE ESTIMATES 2 2 rfim I GPGV a' t'j al I KWfJKKHW Wk 'J" LA 1 0659 ptijN DEALER I WIMER ANER 8 montha beat PPINTTNC SMALL SHOP mV 4VfU Hl BLECH BROKER GL JH2 32 3 1 1 rirtOrtAN aneprern a iv ni near old rxx1 dupofitlon Phon Krtla nd6 3 64 6 PUPPIES 7 wkt bld $5 ER 11 671 pup male A ob1lfrlrwi rx 1B7A4 SU 1 0966 GROCERY E1 19k2 rood fi ur Euchd Ave location rent $100 I WILLKOM BROKER WY1 815 i Deiicuteicn aiul Grocery A (nrnf tlV aflnn eom'IX Vx" Ue buy manage luntK cu (range to bring work to put on ins? basis ully equipped 4 car garage gaa i aci nleaning dept 'repairs LA 1 0350 ATER 6 I £1AL remodeling and repalri etc oil i oua: 'ENTER Repaint bakery: witn nvnig owho location on main thoroughfare Phone: 621 Hippodrome Bldg MA 1 8 cnn ft 3 oc a fc EAST TVHAr' Anrt Miuln Kk OUliaing suites I ID cases st0? of liquor per week one of the best tavern on the East Side Make No Mistake SAM IS'" BACK (loor sanding finishing reasonable: IguaranteedCal! SKl 5649 A15719 'LOOR sandlnz ana finishing satisfac tion LU 1 1667 Cinci Home Improvement urnace Cieaning Repair 1 irp LOWEST price Clean repair all kt 1 6 reeves Im a tes 2 2 0 CA 1 NJ A CLEAN "$6 renalr It stali all makes iALL 1ALC1L I free estimates Sri 1 1236 nr complete home remodeling service Hauling and Trucking with full insurance co eraee and HA I rT q'Hii rCT' r' 1 I also moiwg financing iizl 1 1 kJ IKUUMDu bteinway Ha Dy brand carpentry attic conversions ah5 ri4r hv lftd or con spinets reconaltlorM i KITCHtNS tract RA 1 3560 UT 1 6495 tAi ATV P(V)''5 CITTERiNG iblnattcn small church organ WALL TILE SIDING HL HDUCa i an im rent o0 xtures eiectn iocs owner KORYTA CO id i ja tu GROCERY MEAT' within 30 mil? Established location on Denison Ave JXd UUHIira irsil'Jliauic ATWELL Leaders in Our ield 553 Pe 1 Rd rW75 IH KHA JViMptoZ to be bar wfKir 1 1 1 ZA A 10 Repairs and I I 1 1 II "11 I 1 I ii) 4 i 11 till I lL! 1 BENDER Realty CI Co 37 $4 on BEX HER 3 1 'd 0 MLs eec sales MEpK Tw 0" njmtati XI 100 840 0 743 0 0 24 CC 4G8S 36 8' 1 wTA iovL IN AHC.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6184

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.