The Evening Tribune from Lawrence, Kansas (2024)


L. Moore delivered an exhaustive aad intensely interesting WHY EAT A wedding in high life to-morrow afternoon. Sel Out ai i before the Zodiac osr lecture yesterday club at the Phi rr- Voll 5 xvaypa a ox uau i nn Pranr.ia Barton. The attend The News by Tribune" Specials Up to tbe Hour of Going to Press. "The Planter's Wife" at the opera house to-night.

"The Planter's Wife" at the opera house to-night. KANSAS CITY Dressed Bee! ance was full and the interest manifested strikingly demonstrated the anxiety of those present to know the truth about the life and character of "the great mi a Our Competitors Squealing The Usher Guards' drilled at the Armory last night. Appolotments. Washington, Dec 18. Special.

The President to-day appointed L. H. Smith, postmaster at Ilorton; II. A Perkins, postmaster at Olathe, and II. W.

Pond, postmaster at Fort Scott. iae suojeci was uauuicu ith marked ability and the manner in vri V. U- which the speaker Reviewed and refuted When Y011 CM obtain the home what he characterized as Macauley's orrown article at as low orices. We have heard from many of our customers that our would-be compeditora aay we are not Belling our goods at cost, and that there would be no change in our firm, and for a feeler we will quote you prices on the following articles: stupendous libel indicated an unusual 18k Plain or Band Rings 87 cts per dwts. amount of research and a careful and dis- PjtrflTl7ft I HfllTlfi I IllfilKiTV Solid Silver Thimbles 25c each- riminotinn neo rf tliA a tori 7fl fit Tin nil Solid Sterling Silver Spoons and Forks The latter portion of his discourse was And leave your money where $1.25 per oz.

Gold, Silver and Filled Cased Watches at factory prices. Gold, 14k Bead Necks at $1.20 per dwU Nickle Alarm Clocks at $1. Gold Thimbles, handsomely engraved $3.50. Gold Glasses from $2.25 upwards, etc. Go to Weidemann's for oysters to night after the opera.

See Miss Eckert in "The Planter's Wife" at Bowersock's to-night Charley Prentice was a pleasant visitor at the University this morning. Come and patronize the Congregational ladies. North Side, Thursday evening. 1217 3t Silver Plated Ware, list price less 50 andlOperct. Solid Gold Scarf Pins from $1 to $3.50.

it will benefit the farmers of Douglas and adjacent counties. was generally known to the world as judge and philosopher, he really possess- ed poetical genius of a high order and EYEBT ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE IN PB0P0BTI0N. We sold; many Watches and Diamonds since we have commenced our We invite inspection of our cattle before killing. Tno Senate. Washington, Dec.

18. Special Sen. Morgan introduced a resolution today recognizing the new Brazilian Republic and congratulating the authorities of the He public. Bnowuterzn. Denver, Dec.

A fearful snow storm is in progress along the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. All trains are stopped. The storm is extending northward. Indications-Washington, Dec. 18.

SpeciaL Fair, warmer southerly winds. Tom Green is mourning the loss of his valuable hunting dog, stolen by some sneak thief. biue, sou biux xi a ye toe purest line in me cuy on nana, cnouia you aesire to purchase, give us an early call, as they are going fast. article warranted as represented, if not your money will be refunded Remember, til goods sold will be engraved free of charge by our artist, and no machine work. C7.

A KTARKS We solicit your patronage, and in return will give you the best beef grown in Kansas. 800 Massachusetts R. W. Sweet, B. F.

Sweet, The District Court room is being thoroughly renovated and new matting laid on the floor. The Burleigh Combination company will present the "Planter's Wife" tonight at Bowersock's Opera House. James H. Canfield lectured before the Law classes at the University this morning, taking as his subject "Money." Let Us Have a Pic Nic. It will be fun for the boys, though it will be death to the Frogs.

What will be the merchants' losi WILL BE THE PEOPLES' GAIN. We will say right here without the fear of successful contradiction, that the prices offered on the following goods cannot be duplicated in any other town, city or State in the American Union: Manager. Proprietor Business College Congress. The Tribune received to-day a neatly printed invitation to attend the closing session of the Business College Congress this evening. The following is the program: Quickstep, Sea Shells Band President's Annual Message.

Overture, Crown of Victory Orchestra DeclamaU n. Vagabonds D. D. Gear Essay, is the World Growing Bettet E. C.

Hollinger Piano Solo. Kedemotion Plaoz PERSONAL MENTION. DeclamaUun. Papa's Letter C. Ward Hattie Ladd C.

Howell btotler Winnie Gardner Essay. Education of Girls Clarionet 8 do, MonE Vera. Oration. Our Native Heading, Impudence Duet. The Cuuld Blast that it was recognized by his cotempo-raries as well as by the greatest students of his writings in later days.

After the lecture a general discussion ensued, which terminated in a pretty free interchange of opinions on tha Baconian authorship of the Shakespeare plays. Hon. John Hutchings maintained that whoever wrote them, it certainly was not the uneducated man from Stratford. He mentioned the fact that English was not taught in the Stratford schools and still the Venus and Adonis appeared at about the time Shakespeare arrived in London a poem written in the purest English and not containing a single Warwickshire word. Mr.

Hutchings stated that he had not adopted the Baconian theory of the authorship of the plays but was fully pursuaded that Shakespeare had no cape. Prof. Miller, K. S. discussed the immense popularity which Macaulaya writings had acquired through the exquisite beauty of their Btyle, but he fully concurred in the conclusion that Macaulay's statements of fact were not to be depended upon and that his conclusions were arrived at entirely tegardless of the evidence in the case.

Mrs. A. D. Weaver thought it inexplicable that Bacon could have been the author of the plays and at the same time performed the work he is known to have done, as member of Parliament solicitor, attorney, chancellor and author of his great philosophical works. Mrs.

Grubb said she was not quite willing to adopt the insinuations of Mr. Hutchings that Shakespeare was an ignoramous though she had for twenty-five years been a believer in the Baconian authorship of the plays. Several other ladies, notably Mrs. Dinsmoor, Mrs. Spangler.

Miss March and Mrs. Hutchings, participated in the We understand that an invitation was extended to Col. Moore to repeat his lecture next Monday evening before the Unity club, and that he has accepted the invitation. It is currently reported that one of our most popular young professional men drew $15,000 in the Lousiana Lottery. After you hear "Falsely Accused, or the Lawyer Detective" to-night go to Weidemann's and have an oyster stew.

Mr. John W. Pratt, formerly of Lawrence, has recently severed his connection with the San Jose, Daily Times. Do you iuffer with catarrh? You can be cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists.

The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will celebrate their 8th anniversary with a reception and banquet in K. of P. Hall temorrow night. THE EVE11IHG TRIBDI1E, LAWRENCE. KANSAS.

DECEMBER 18. Vayor A Hsaiey lTwldDtoVlii Council A. J. Dicker Clerk and becretaryof Cemeteries A' ,2 Twiiirf Geo. B- Goola xn.hi..j; WI, SL ri bttral Commissioner.

ttopl. Fire Department M'm" Bnit. Cemeteries. F. Cltr Fbysldan Librarian Weigher and Jteasarer Alea cocwcujiiK: First Ward K.K.

Clark, Jacob Hone Ward A Palmer, P. E. Emery Fourth Ward PWB r.zi sat rT lii "tietable. BAHTAM win No 1 California Express 10:50 Ko3 Mexico A rUona 11:05 am Mo 6 Denver Utah 12:45 ho 9 Topeka Express. SAHTA FB CAST No 2 Atlantic Express 6:15 a No 4 New York Express 3:19 No Eastern Express 4 :06 pm No 10 Kansas City Express 70 a TJWIO FAClriO-mABT.

ted Express 8:38 Atlantic Exprew 6:38 a. Accommodation .8:05 a. ririow PACixio waii. Limited Express :2 p. Pacific Express 10:44 p.

ooommouation 6:48 p. u. uiATmarwoaTH bkajich. ARHIVS. DIrlBT.

PassonMr a. m. 1 8:60 p. Mixed 77. 7.46 p.

m. 1 8:20 a. soumaa as worth. No. 14 Freleht 10:05 a.

No. 28 Passenger p. SOUTH I HIT KANSAS SOUTH. No. VTt Passenirer 11 :04 a.

JTreig-ht MAILS ObOfl. AW T. tt 8. F. West Mm East 3 p.

U. P. West If East 8 P. NUrbt mall 10:30 p. Bout horn Kansas 10 a.

Leavenworth Branch 3.30 p. Lawrence. Emporia A Southwestern 3:30 a. "ipirysiqiAiis. Nk.

O.J.BIMMON3 rhykJcUns'andSurReons. Office, 721 Mass-st Oblo-st. Telepb one IMS. 8.BDNN,l'byroinanddurgeon. Office and Kesldenoe.

Kil Masa-sU, over White Front Dry Goods store. DENTISTS" book Office hoar from 8 to 13 and 1 to 6 p. a-. WANTED. 1 lITTTf iowcne, in AnCiiAw' ob womah.

WfLnibU In every vicinity. Profltatle busi-mie. Liberal pay. All time not necessary. GJ re references.

Address K. H. WOODWARD sc Ualtimore, Md. S75.0O to A MONTH can be made workin for us. A (rents preferred who can furnish a borse and Ktve tbelr whole time to the business.

Bps re moments msy be pro-fltaMT emplojed also A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. 1009 Main St- Richmond, Va. B.

Please state see and bnslness experience. Nevr mind sbont sending stamp for reply. B.F.J.A Co. OrAHALIKY.tWEXPENSkS IN ADVANCE JpUU allowed eeh month. Kteadr employment at home or (ravelin? No soliciting, Duties delivering and miking collations.

No Postal fa'ds. Address with stamp, 1IAFBR riqos, Ohio. n-a0eod3Dt sl I wish to employ a few ladies on salary to take chare of my business st their homes. Llpbt, very fascinatlovr and Healthful. Wattes $10 per week, heference cien.

Good pay part time. Address Uu sUmp, Mas. AUaiow Walkxb, LonlsvlUe. Ky. 11 goeod Hew Orleans Custom House -CIGARS.

Alt Lonir, Clear Imported Tobaero for cents are Creole and Cuban lland-Made Absolutely por and free from all adds, extracts, paints, or flavoring, and are not clipped Is a beentiful and prfct clear, not a cheap clgarro or cheroot Equal to any 10 nt clpar in the Unttwd Mt-s, that Is sold rvfQlar. This cigar bears the highest VBtlmonlalsol any iroods known In the trade Indorsed by one hundred and seventy ot the very lareert wholesale Arms In the booth. North, East nl West Is by far the beet sdv-rtlsd clirar in the Ui n. Regularly advertised In nearly every Bret clas paer In the Union also. In many otter wars Is a standard brand Absolutely only one Wholesale Agency give a in each city.

Write for prices to TlieTheo. Fochler Kaa Wholesale Asrents Silver Plated 12 oz Table Knives $1.50 per set. Tnpple Plate Tea Spoons at $1.25 per set. Tripple Plate Table Spoons $2.50. Tripple Plate Forks on Nickle Silver $2.50.

Tripple Plate Forks on Steel $1.50. Sugar Shells 35c each. The above are Rogers' make and warranted to be the best in the market next to solid silver. Quadruple Plate Orange Bowl marked down from $16 to $10, (Derby Silver make. Quadruple Plate elegant Epergne, marked down from $16 to $10.

Quadruple Plate Cake Baskets $2 50. Five Bottle Tripple Plate Table Castor at $2. Spoon Holders, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls and Butter Dishes at $1.50 each. Quadruple Plate Butters at $3. Individual Butters 75c a set.

Individual Peppers and Salts at 35c. Tripple Plate Napkin Rings at 25c. Boys' Iron Frame Sleds marked down from $1.50 to 50c. $1.50 Clothes Hamper for 75c. 25c Bushel Baskets two for 25c.

Nice Ash Folding Sewing Table with yard measure on it for 75c. One dollar Clothes Horse for 50c No. 8 Copper Wash Boilers for $3. No. 8 Copper Tea Kettles for $1.25.

A good Cook Stove for coal or wood $10. One large enough to bake four pies at a time for $14. 50c Pocket Knives for 25c. $1 Tocket Knives for 50c. $2 Razors for $1.

$1 Razors for 50c. Shaving Brushes for 5 and 10c each. Carpet Seat Sewing Rockers $1.50. Rattan Rockers from $2 to $10. A large variety of Upholstered and Cane Platform Rockers.

Also Parlor and Chamber Sets, all suitable for Christmas Presents, marked down in price for the Holidays. An Etna Cooking Stove or a Round Gold Coin Heating Stove will be a splendid Christmas Present. We also have 5, 10, 15 and 25 cent counters, on which can be found Dolls, Horses, Wagons, Trumpets and Guns; Toys and gifts of all sizes and descriptions, from which Christmas Gifts can be selected to suit the purse of all ages and classes. Oil Paintings, 24x30 inches in size In 4-inch gilt frames at 85c, or in 15x24 and 14x21 in sizes at 75c. Mrs.

Lampman. Mits Knckley Declamation, Tbe Raven Lulu Planz March, Gen. Boulanger's Orchestra RECESS. Polka, Gesundbeit Orchestra Declamation. Charlie Machree Breese Declamation, Fourth-of-July Oration.

D. 8 Shook Quartette, What Phrase Sad and Soft, Mrs. J. W. Lampman.

Emma Buckley, Prof. J. W. La pman. Iter Sears.

Declamation. Way Down East Pardee Reading, Holler Skating W.O Hayes Paper, Extinguisher Ed Barke Church Fair. In the Poehler block on Massachusetts street the ladies of the Christian church hold a fair Thursday, December 19, and Friday, December 20. On Thursday supper will be rerved, on Friday dinner and supper. We are given to understand that Christmas presents will be disposed of very cheaply.

A Pleasant Social. The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church gave a pleasant social at the residence of Mayor Henley on Louisiana street last evening. An enjoyable evening was spent by all in games, conversation and other social pleasures. IVe Wish It Distinctly Understood The prices above quoted are for the Holidays. 1(0 LONGER The waterworks mains have been connected with Haskell Institute.

The water was turned on to-day and worked to the satisfaction of all. Hall's Hair Renewer eradicated and prevents the formation of dandruff, thickens the and beautifies the hair as no other preparation will. The county commissioners have returned from the inspection of the new bridge between Baldwin and Witchita, and report an excellent bridge. The preliminary hearing in the Jones case resulted in the defendant being bound over to the District Court in the sum of $2,000. The meeting at the north side M.

E. church is still in progress, and a lively interest is being manifested. Services each evening at 7:30, to which every one is invited. Joe Beggs went east this afternoon. Wm.

Oliver went to St. Joe to-day J. C. Manning of Topeka, is in the city. C.

E. Dallas, of Baldwin City, is in town to-day. Chas. A. DeSoden, went to Topeka this morning.

Charley Hill, of Eudora, was in the city to-day. C. Cloud was a Eudora visitor in the city to-day. Prof. Quayle, of Baldwin City, was in town yesterday.

R. W. Sweet returned yesterday from a trip to Chicago. J. W.

Mertz went to Media to-day to spend the holidays. Henry Moody was a south bound passenger this morning. J. H. Race, of Chicago, is registered at the Eldridge House.

Mr. H. V. Bundum, of Emporia, Kansas, is visiting in town. J.

W. McRravy returned to-day from a short visit in the -outh. Frank Shimmons, well known here, is now residing in San Diego, Cal. S. A.

Stonebraker, of Black Jack, was transacting business in the city to-day. MissEmbrey returned to Ottawa today, after a visit with Miss Emma Soule. Mrs. Hattie Searl is very ill at Kansas City. Mr.

Smedley went down this morning to attend her. Mrs. H. Vanholdt returned to Leavenworth yesterday afternoon, after a pleasant visit with Lawrence friends. Miss May Russell donned the black and gold of Kappa Alpha Theta this morning.

Harry E. Riggs, who is up from Se-dalia, to visit friends, went to Tope, ka to-day to attend the wedding of his chum, Arthur Adams. Eldridge House Arrivals: White, Kansas City; A Mackey, Reno; Long, Chicago; A Patterson, Chicago; Kendrick, New York; Eaken, Perry; Purdy, City; Winship, Rosine; Bundum; Emporia; Dick McMahon, Kansas City; A Leach, Chicago; Miller, Jr. New York; Dutro, Cuthhert, Jarvis. A Crowder, McCormick, Augustine, Kansas City.

HOUSE ON THE HILLv. SHMMOIS H. BUSINESS INCREASING. Gross Baxker.the Popular it Necessary to Increase their Force. THE JANUARY OPENIING OF THE i a Ai Bacon Shakes peae.

Unity Club has invited Col. Moore to repeat the lecture, give before Zodiac Club yesterday, for their benefit and he Las consented to do so. The lecture will be given in the Unity Club rooms Monday January 6th, at 8 p.m. Messrs Gross Barker, the leading baibers of Lawrence, by the increase of business feel warranted in putting in another chair in their establishment at 814. Massachusetts street.

They now employ first class workmen. They take especial pride in satisfying their The Postal Telegraph company lines have reached the city limits, and unless some unforseen hitch occurs, will open their office Saturday night in Doctor Hoadley's drug store. Lawrence business lollege TAKES PLACE Thursday, January 2, 1890. At which time new classes will be formed in all Depart- Associated Charities. The members of the Central committee will remember the meeting railed for tonight, and it is hopes that there will be a full attendance business of importance will come up for action.

customers and they guarantee their work The Lawrence Mandolin club, which made such a hit at the Ingleside minstrel performance, have been engaged to assist in the benefit entertainment at the Grand next Thursday evening for the Orphans' home. State Journal. ty befirst class. This establishment is the neatest and cosiest in the city, and they use only the choicest imported persumery and oils. Messrs Gross and Barker have built up, by their energy and the class of work done, a large and profitable trade, and you need but to call and be convinced of the quality of the work done by them.

This establishment is deserving of the large patronage which it is now receiving. They have the best shops and employ the best barbers in town and do not intend to let anyone get ahead of them in business enterprise. Annual Pew Renting. Annual pew renting at Congregational church Thursday evening, December 19th. Secure your seats for the new year.

Cold Waves. Are predicted with reliable accuracy, and people liable to the pains and aches of rheumatism dread every change to damp or stormy weather. Although Hood's Sarsaprilla is not claimed to be a positive specific for rheumatism, the remarkable cures it has effected show that it may be taken for this complaint with reasonable certainty of benefit. Its action in neatralizing the constitutes the secret of the success of Hood's Sarsapa-rilla. If you sufier from rhumatiem, give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial; it will do you good.

We wish to assure those who are interested in obtaining a practical Business, Short-hand, or English education that our courses are as. complete and practical as untiring effort, close observation of business necessities, and extended experience can make them; that our faculty is composed of the best talent the country affords; that our patrons consist of a class of young men and women who are characterized by their inteUi-gence, ambition, and earnest devotion to their real interests; that the school has the recomendation of stability as is shown by twenty years of successful work; that our graduates are sought by business men as stenographers, book-keepers, and confidential clerks, and by commercial and other schools as teachers, often in excess of the supply; and that the faculty interest themselves personally in the welfare of the public. For catalogue general information concerning all courses, Address E. McILRAVY, Lawrence, Kas. Bowersock Opera Hodse.

Fbrd. n. Dojtxiumkk, Lxk aud Makasxb. Oue AVcek and Grand Family Matinee. It is rumored that the University students will attempt to repeat the disgraceful performance of last night at the Opeia House this evening.

The management will be prepared for them and a lively time may be anticipated. Wm. A. Haimes the forger, arreste 1 here a short time ago and taken to St. Paul has been found guilty of forgery and sentenced to five years in the Minnesota penitentiary, after the ex piration of his time there he will be taken tolowa City.

Your wasted cheeks may have all the plumpness and bloom of health through your use of Ayer's Saraparilla. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. It improves digestion, purifies the blood, and invigorates the system. Give it a trial. The Zodiac Club wishes to tender thanks to Colonel Moore for his excellent lectuie; to the Phi Psis for the use of their hall; to Hon.

John Hutch ings, Prof. Miller and Mrs. Grubb and others who participated in the discussion; and to the newspapers for their very generous notices. Crusade Anniversary. On Monday evening, Dec.

23d the anniversary of the Woman's Temperance Crusade will be observed in one of the churches (place will be announced hereafter.) It is earnestly desired i that all women who took part in the crusade either in Lawrence or elsewhere, unite in that celebration whether they are members of the W.T. CVT. or not. The Crusade Psalm 146th is to be read re-sponsively. If convenient it will be well for such as will take part to meet next Friday at the rooms on the corner of New Hampshire and Henry at 3 o'clock p.

and arrange for the meeting. Committee. COMMENCING MONDAY, DEO. 16. Til Burleigh Combination, Under the Direction of Mr.

A. R. Wilber. Between now and January i st, A. "Weber Son, the merchant tailors, will close out their large and complete stock of goods at cost, to make room for their spring stock.

They Miss Winter is a pledged I. C. Harry Riggs was at the University this morning. Homer Ellison will not return to school after vacation. A.

C. Cunkle will probably not return after the holidays. The Athletic board will meet with F. H. Kellogg this eyening.

Prof. Dunlap's Shakespeare class will finish Macbeth this week. Those desiring paper for blue prints can secure it of Prof. Bailey. Miss Russell is wearing the colors of Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity.

Prof. Marvin has secured some fine etchings which may be seen at his home. Many of the students living at a great distance from Lawrence will wait for rates. Colonel L. Moore, F.

Mcserve aad B. W. Woodward are the judges chosen for the Orophilian-Athenaeum contest. There are seyeral sub-Freshman draw ing remaing in the studio from the exhibit last June. Those who care anything for them should call and get them.

REPERTOIRE: Monday "Falsely Accused, or the Lawyer Itctive. fron the I aw AVelueiday The Planter's Wife." Tlinrdy New "East Lvnne frtdayThe Black bpldr." samrday-'-CaJlea Back." Matloee, (Satn dsy) at 2:30 The Crystal flipper or Litt Cinderella. lle-w Plays I Kew" Seagal Ne-w Eances! Icest 10, 20 and. SO CeaUs. Rserved seats at usual place two days In ad- REPORT of the condition ot the Merchants National Bank at In the State of Kansas, at the close of business December 11, 1889: KESOtTBCES.

Loans and 78 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 6,635 99 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 25,000 00 Stocks, securities, judgments, claim etc 9,745 95 Due from approved reserve agents 12.104 10 Due from other National 2.732 47 Due from State banks and bankers 5,056 03 Banking-bouse, furniture, and fixtures 34029 46 Current expenses and taxes paid, 3.199 43 Premiums on S. Bonds 1,000 00 Checks and other cash 1,674 36 Bills of other banks 7.874 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and 33 67 Specie 6,254 40 Legal tender notes 17,100 Redemption fund with U.S-Treas- urer (5 of 1,125 00 64 T-IAKirTTIER. vance.

Y. M. C. A. Reception.

A very pleasant time was had at the Y. M. A rooms last night. The evening's exercises were opened by singing the association hymn. Miss Bishop, George Mull and Miss Blu jacket gave some excellent vocal solos.

The address of Supt. Merserve was well received. Joe Ab-ner contributed to the evening's amusem*nt by giving a cornet solo. Frank Eagle gave a recitation, and Miss Lillian Wiggs recited in her usual excellent style. A duet by Misses Bluejacket and Longbou closed the entertainment.

M. RICE, Manager. (first published November 25, 1S99.) Sheriff's Sale. Home Bunding and Association. TS.

Jacob Haag, et. aL BT VIRTUE Or AN ORDER OF SAL TO If directed aad issued out of tbe Fourth Judicial District Cocrt in and for Douglas County, Jlsa-sss, in tbe above entitled action, I will on THURSDAY. THE DAT OP DECEJtEER A. 1889, at half-past one o'clock in tbe after boob of said day at the front door of the eocr boass ia tbe cltr of Lawrence, Don las eonnty and state of Kaacas, offer for sale at public auction and sell to tbe highest and best bidfler for cash in hand, all the riebr title and whaV soever of tbe said Jcob Maeg, Elizabeth L. Spencer M.

fepencer la tbe following described lands sad tenements to-rit: Lota Nos 15 160 and Hi2 on New Jersey street. In tbe City ot Lawrence, Donglas County, Kansas. Appraised at 1450 W. Haid property to bs sold to satisfy said order of sale. Given under my hand at my office, in tbe city of Lawrence, this 25tb day of Normt, A.

XSM A. LOVS, Sheriff of Doariaa Cosnty. Cansa J. Q. A.

Sobtok, Att for PI ff li-igxlAJt SITU CLAUS Eas arrived wlih a complete lias of Xmas G-ifts, for both yonne and and invites all to call and examine the stock. Beadqnartes at John ATatkins', 939 llass. Street. Bargains on the 5, 11 aad 25 ca counters. make suits in the latest styles.

Botrus Mexican Bonds, Maurice Rahden, Mexican vice consul claims to have discovered that bogus Mexican bonds in large quantities are held in Kansas by banks and careless investors. Thousands of dollars worth are said to have been placed in this state, and in many instances banks have been caught by taking the worthless bonds as collateral in many instances for money loaned. The bonds are entirely worthless. Investors who couldn't resist the temptation to buy a handsomely designed bond at a low figure, have been victimized to a great extent. The Chicago Fair, a 5c and 10c store, at 843 Massachusetts street, is selling Chi8tmas notions cheap.

Go and see and be convinced for yourself. Cheapest and best. 12 16 9t SlaDy a por Woman sailers Untold Tortures from Dack-Acho. If she only knew how easily she could get relief by using Ballard's Snow Liniment, she would bless the day she read theso few lines. It is a jrrand remedy for Headache and all Neuralgic Pains, No Fain can withstand its magic influence.

removes the flre from a Burn or Scald In one minute. It will cure Inflammatory Rheumatism and Sciatica; applied to the Throat and Chest in Croup it will give immediate relief and make breathing much easier. No family can be without it if once they know Its value. Try it. Price ,50 cents.

Sold by Barber Bros a The ladies of the Congregational church, North Side, will hold a fair and supper Thursday evening at the church. xrths will be presided over by young ladies. There will be many useful fancy articles for sale suitable for Christmas. Come and help the ladies to raise funds with which to reseat their church. Miss Ada Faye, of San Francisco, Cal, will give a test seance at G- A.

R. hall Monday, December Mrs. Faye is a medium of great power and her seances in Topeka are crowded to overflowing. The tests given are beyond a doubt the very finest and answer the query. "If a man die shall he live again?" Mr.

Arthur L. Adams, city engineer of Pendleton, Oregon, and Miss May Gem-mell, daughter of R. B. Gemmell of Topeka, are to be married at 8 o'clock this evening at the house of the bride's parent's in Topeka. Mr.

Adams was a member of the University class of '86. and was one of the most popular students in college. He has been engaged in engineering since leaving college, and has met with marked success. Miss Gemmell was a former resident of Lawrence, and is well known in Bociety circles here. Horticultural Society.

The Douglas County Horticultural society will hold their monthly meeting next Saturday, at Snow hall, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Good speakers will be prent and address the assembly on matters pertaining to horticulture. The annual election of officers will take place. Capital stock paid in .100,000 00 Surplus fund 15,500 00 Undivided MQ5 21 National Bank notes outstanding.

21,710 00 vtdert' 123 00 Individual deposits subject to cheek 121995 21 Demand certificates of 9,011 22 Total 64 STATE OF KANSAS, I Cocxttof Douglas, R. G. Jamison, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of knowledge and belief. R.G. JAMISON, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of December, 1889. fSEAi.1 Hugh Blair. Notary Public. Correct Attest; Alexajtper MonrBOEfV At. 2JKWMABK, Directors GSORGElXXES.

I No old goods to offer you at cost but new and stylish goods at lowest living prices. W. M. Rowe. fopeaking ol your winter Atheneaum Orophilian Contest.

The contest between the Orophilian and the Atheneaum societies will take place to-morrow evening in University chapsl at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens and friends to be present. Tbe following is the program: Music; declamation Orophilian, Miss Webb; declamation Atheneaum, Harold Barnes; music; oration Atheneaum, J. A. Mushrush; oration Orophilian, H.

F.Roberts; music; debate "Resolved, That the prohibitory amendment should be resubmitted," Affirmative H. S. Hadley. R. D.

Brown, Atheneaum; negative W. W. Brown, E-L. Ackley, Orophilian; music; decision of judges. Clarence Sears will act as president of the evening.

B. W. Woodward, Col. H. L- Moore and F.

Messerve are the judges. clothes, A Weber Son, the Tba Yost WriCngr liaciiino. tailors, arc closing out their Latest and best. Ko With all the cost sales and closing out rates the people are a little bewildered, but when they learn how cheap A. Weber Son are putting up first class suits they will be still more bewildered and surprised.

Supper at the Congregational church. North Side, Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. 12 17 St elegant stock at cost and mak no Don, strong, oeauu-! ful, portable, board ing some very hne suits very Between now and January ist A. Weber Son will close their large and complete stock of broad cloths and gentleman's suitings out at actual cost. There is a chance to get a new suit very cheap.

low. cnanirea at wm. i.r- change your old machine for Yost and Carving seta, very low happy. W. M.

Rowx. WruBUB M. Hayes, Afeat. At Watkina Building..

The Evening Tribune from Lawrence, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.