Select output signal based on control signal (2024)

Table of Contents
Description Multiport Switch Configured as an Index Vector Block How the Block Handles an Out-of-Range Control Input Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions Rules That Determine the Block Behavior Guidelines on Setting Parameters for Enumerated Control Port Examples Noncontiguous Values for Data Port Indices of Multiport Switch Block Zero-Based Indexing for Multiport Switch Data Ports One-Based Indexing for Multiport Switch Data Ports Enumerated Names for Data Port Indices of the Multiport Switch Block Extended Examples Limitations Ports Input Port_1 — Control signalscalar 1 — First data input scalar | vector | matrix | N-D array 2 — Second data input scalar | vector | matrix | N-D array N — Nth data input scalar | vector | matrix | N-D array * — Data port for out-of-range inputs scalar | vector | matrix | N-D array Output Port_1 — Selected data input, based on control signal valuescalar | vector | matrix | N-D array Parameters Main Data port order — Type of ordering for data input portsOne-based contiguous | Zero-based contiguous | Specify indices Number of data ports — Number of data input ports 1 | 3 | integer between 1 and 65535 Data port indices — Array of indices for data ports {1,2,3} (default) | array of indices Data port for default case — Port to use for out-of-range inputs Last data port (default) | Additional data port Diagnostic for default case — Diagnostic action when control port value does not match data port indicesError (default) | Warning | None Sample time (-1 for inherited) — Interval between samples -1 (default) | scalar | vector Signal Attributes Require all data port inputs to have the same data type — Require all inputs to have the same data typeoff (default) | on Output minimum — Minimum output value for range checking[] (default) | scalar Output maximum — Maximum output value for range checking [] (default) | scalar Output data type — Specify the output data type Inherit: Inherit via internal rule (default) | Inherit: Inherit via back propagation | Inherit: Same as first data input | double | single | half | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32 | uint32 | int64 | uint64 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | string | Simulink.ImageType(480,640,3) | <data type expression> Lock output data type setting against changes by the fixed-point tools — Prevent fixed-point tools from overriding data types off (default) | on Integer rounding mode — Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point operations Floor (default) | Ceiling | Convergent | Nearest | Round | Simplest | Zero Saturate on integer overflow — Method of overflow action off (default) | on Allow different data input sizes (Results in variable-size output signal) — Allow input signals with different sizesoff (default) | on Mode — Select data type mode Inherit (default) | Built in | Fixed Point Data type override — Specify data type override mode for this signal Inherit | Off Signedness — Specify signed or unsigned Signed (default) | Unsigned Scaling — Method for scaling fixed-point data Best precision (default) | Binary point | Slope and bias Word length — Bit size of the word that holds the quantized integer 16 (default) | integer from 0 to 32 Fraction length — Specify fraction length for fixed-point data type 0 (default) | scalar integer Slope — Specify slope for the fixed-point data type 2^0 (default) | positive, real-valued scalar Bias — Specify bias for the fixed-point data type 0 (default) | real-valued scalar Block Characteristics Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™. HDL Code GenerationGenerate VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog code for FPGA and ASIC designs using HDL Coder™. PLC Code Generation Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™. Fixed-Point ConversionDesign and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™. Version History R2024a: Multiport Switch block has runtime error when input has floatingpoint value See Also Topics MATLAB Command Americas Europe Asia Pacific

Select output signal based on control signal

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  • Select output signal based on control signal (1)

Simulink / Signal Routing
HDL Coder / Signal Routing


The Multiport Switch block determines which of several inputs to the blockpasses to the output. The block bases this decision on the value of the first input. Thefirst input is the control input and the remaining inputs are the data inputs. The valueof the control input determines which data input passes to the output.

The table summarizes how the block interprets the control inputand determines the data input that is passed to the output.

Control InputTruncationSetting for Data Port OrderBlock Behavior During Simulation
Indexing to Select Data InputOut-of-Range Condition

Integer value


Zero-based contiguous

Zero-based indexing

The control input is less than 0 or greater than the number of data inputs minus one.

One-based contiguous

One-based indexing

The control input is less than 1 or greater than the number of data inputs.

Specify indices

Indices you specify

The control input does not correspond to any specified data port index.

Not an integer value

The block truncates the value to an integer by rounding to zero.

Zero-based contiguous

Zero-based indexing

The truncated control input is less than 0 or greater than the number of data inputs minus one.

One-based contiguous

One-based indexing

The truncated control input is less than 1 or greater than the number of data inputs.

Specify indices

Indices you specify

The truncated control input does not correspond to any specified data port index.

For information on how theblock handles the out-of-range condition, see How the Block Handles an Out-of-Range Control Input.

Multiport Switch Configured as an Index Vector Block

An Index Vector is a specialconfiguration of a Multiport Switch block in which you specify onedata input and the control input is zero-based. The block output is the element ofthe input vector whose index matches the control input. For example, if the inputvector is [18 15 17 10] and the control input is3, the element that matches the index of 3 (zero-based) is10, and that becomes the output value.

To configure a Multiport Switch block to work as an IndexVector block, set Number of data ports to1 and Data port order toZero-based contiguous.

How the Block Handles an Out-of-Range Control Input

For an input with an integer value less than intmax(‘int32’), the inputis out of range when the value does not match any data port indices. For a controlinput that is not an integer value, the input is out of range when thetruncated value does not match any data port indices. Inboth cases, the block behavior depends on your settings for Data port fordefault case and Diagnostic for defaultcase.


If the control input is larger than intmax(‘int32’), theblock wraps the input value to an integer.

Behavior for Simulation

The following behavior applies only to simulation for your model.

Data Port for Default CaseDiagnostic for Default Case

Last data port

Select output signal based on control signal (2)

Use the last data port and do not report any warning or error.

Use the last data port and report a warning.

Report an error and stop simulation.

Additional data port

Select output signal based on control signal (3)

Use the additional data port with a * label and do not report any warning or error.

Use the additional data port with a * label and report a warning.

Report an error and stop simulation.

Behavior for Code Generation

The following behavior applies to code generation for your model.

Data Port for Default CaseDiagnostic for Default Case

Last data port

Select output signal based on control signal (4)

Use the last data port.

Use the last data port.

Use the last data port.

Additional data port

Select output signal based on control signal (5)

Use the additional data port with a * label.

Use the additional data port with a * label.

Use the additional data port with a * label.

Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions

If two signals have a different number of dimensions or differentdimension lengths, you can use the signals as data inputs to a Multiport Switch block. In the block dialog box, select the parameter Allow different data input sizes. In this case, the output of the block is a variable-size signal. If you do not select this parameter, the block generates an error.

For more information about the parameter, see Allow different data input sizes (Results in variable-size output signal). Formore information about variable-size signals, see Variable-Size Signal Basics.

Rules That Determine the Block Behavior

You specify the number of data inputs with Number of data ports.

  • If you set Number of data ports to1, the block behaves as an index selector or index vector and not as a multiport switch. For more details,see Multiport Switch Configured as an Index Vector Block.

  • If you set Number of data ports to an integer greater than 1, the block behaves as a multiport switch. The block output is the data input that corresponds to the value of the control input. If at least one of the data inputs is a vector, the block output is a vector. In this case, the block expands any scalar inputs to vectors.

  • If all the data inputs are scalar, the output is a scalar.

Guidelines on Setting Parameters for Enumerated Control Port

When the control port on the Multiport Switch block is of enumerated type, follow these guidelines:

ScenarioWhat to DoRationale

The enumerated type contains a value that represents invalid, out-of-range, or uninitialized values.

  • Set Data port order to Specify indices.

  • Set Data port indices to use this value for the last data port.

  • Set Data port for default case to Last data port.

This block configuration handles invalid values that the enumerated type explicitly represents.

The enumerated type contains only valid enumerated values. However, a data input port can get invalid values of enumerated type.

  • Set Data port for default case to Additional data port.

This block configuration handles invalid values that the enumerated type does not explicitly represent.

The enumerated type contains only valid enumerated values. Data input ports can never get invalid values of enumerated type.

  • Set Data port for default case to Last data port.

  • Set Diagnostic for default case to None.

This block configuration avoids unnecessary diagnostic action.

The block does not have a data input port for every value of the enumerated type.

  • Set Data port for default case to Additional data port.

This block configuration handles enumerated values that do not have a data input port, along with invalid values.


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Open Model

This example shows how to use a Multiport Switch block that specifies noncontiguous integer values for data ports. The values of the indices are visible on the data port labels. You do not have to open the block dialog box to determine which value maps to each data port.

Select output signal based on control signal (6)

When you set Data port for default case to Additional data port, an extra port with a * label appears. This port corresponds to the default case, which applies when the control input does not match the data port indices 3, 5, 0, or 18. When that happens in this example, the Multiport Switch block outputs a value of 1.

Open Model

This example shows a Multiport Switch block that uses zero-based indexing for contiguous ordering of three data ports.

Select output signal based on control signal (7)

The indices are visible on the data port labels. You do not have to open the block dialog box to determine if the data ports use zero-based or one-based indexing.

When you set Data port for default case to Last data port, the last data port includes a * on the label (in this case, the label is *,2). The comma after the * indicates that the data port index has a value. This port corresponds to the default case, which applies when the control input does not match the data port indices. In this example, the Multiport Switch block outputs a value of -0.1 when the control input does not match the data port indices of 0, 1, or 2.

Open Model

The sf_semantics_hotel_checkin model uses a Multiport Switch block. This block uses one-based indexing for contiguous ordering of three data ports.

Select output signal based on control signal (8)

When you increase the size of the block icon, the indices are visible on the data port labels. You do not have to open the block dialog box to determine whether the data ports use zero-based or one-based indexing.

Open Model

The sldemo_fuelsys model uses a Multiport Switch block in the fuel_rate_control/fuel_calc/feedforward_fuel_rate subsystem. This block uses the enumerated type sld_FuelModes to specify three data port indices: LOW, RICH, and DISABLED.

Select output signal based on control signal (9)

When you set Data port for default case to Last data port, the last data port includes a * on the label. The comma and ellipsis after the * indicate that the data port index has a value. This port corresponds to the default case, which applies when the control input does not match the data port indices LOW, RICH, or DISABLED. In this case, the Multiport Switch block outputs a value of 0.

Extended Examples

Model Fault-Tolerant Fuel Control SystemCombine Stateflow® with Simulink® to model hybrid systems. This type of modeling is particularly useful for systems that have numerous possible operational modes based on discrete events. Traditional signal flow is handled in Simulink while changes in control configuration are implemented in Stateflow. The model described in this example represents a fuel control system for a gasoline engine. The system is robust in that individual sensor failures are detected and the control system is dynamically reconfigured for uninterrupted operation.

Open Model


  • If the data inputs to the Multiport Switch block are buses, theelement names of both buses must be the same. Using the same element namesensures that the output bus has the same element names no matter which input busthe block selects. To ensure that your model meets this requirement, use a busobject to define the buses and set the Element name mismatchdiagnostic to error.

  • For arrays of buses, Number of data ports must be set toa value of 2 or greater.



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The control signal can be of any data type that Simulink® supports, including fixed-point and enumerated types. Whenthe control input is not an integer value, the block truncates the valueto an integer by rounding to zero.

For information on control signals of enumerated type, see Guidelines on Setting Parameters for Enumerated Control Port.

For information on how the block handles the out-of-range condition,see How the Block Handles an Out-of-Range Control Input.


  • If the control signal is numeric, the control signalcannot be complex.

  • If the control signal is an enumerated signal, the blockuses the value of the underlying integer to select a dataport.

  • If the underlying integer does not correspond to a dataport, an error occurs.

  • If the control input is a floating point value thatexceeds the datatype range of integers, the MultiportSwitch block issues a runtime error. This rangeincludes Inf andNaN.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | image

First data input, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array.All input data signals can be of any data type that Simulink supports.

  • If all the data inputs are scalar, the output is scalar

  • If at least one of the data inputs is a vector, the blockoutput is a vector. In this case, the block expands any scalarinputs to vectors.

  • If any two nonscalar signals have a different number ofdimensions or different dimension lengths, select theAllow different data input sizes checkbox. For more information, see Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions

  • If any data signal is of an enumerated type, all others mustbe of the same enumerated type.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | string | image

Second data input, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-Darray. All input data signals can be of any data type that Simulink supports.

  • If all the data inputs are scalar, the output is scalar

  • If at least one of the data inputs is a vector, the blockoutput is a vector. In this case, the block expands any scalarinputs to vectors.

  • If any two nonscalar signals have a different number ofdimensions or different dimension lengths, select theAllow different data input sizes checkbox. For more information, see Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions

  • If any data signal is of an enumerated type, all others mustbe of the same enumerated type.


To enable this port, set Number of data portsto an integer greater than 1.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | string | image

Nth data input, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array.All input data signals can be of any data type that Simulink supports.

  • If all the data inputs are scalar, the output is scalar

  • If at least one of the data inputs is a vector, the blockoutput is a vector. In this case, the block expands any scalarinputs to vectors.

  • If any two nonscalar signals have a different number ofdimensions or different dimension lengths, select theAllow different data input sizes checkbox. For more information, see Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions

  • If any data signal is of an enumerated type, all others mustbe of the same enumerated type.


To enable the Nth input port, set Number of dataports to an integer value greater than or equal toN.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | string | image

Input data port for out-of-range control signal inputs, specified as ascalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array. All input data signals can be ofany data type that Simulink supports. If any data signal is of an enumerated type, allothers must be of the same enumerated type. If any two signals have adifferent number of dimensions or different dimension lengths, selectthe Allow different data input sizes check box. Formore information, see Use Data Inputs That Have Different Dimensions.


To create an additional data port for out-of-range control signalinputs, set Data port for default case toAdditional data port. When you setData port for default case toLast data port, the block uses thelast data port for output when the control signal value does notmatch any data port indices.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus | image


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The block outputs one of the data inputs, selected according to the control signalvalue. The output has the same dimensions as the corresponding datainput. The output data type is the data type of the input port thatrequires the largest memory space. When you select the Allowdifferent data input sizes check box, the output of theblock is a variable size signal.

Data Types: single | double | half | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point | enumerated | string | image


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Specify the type of ordering for your data input ports.

  • Zero-based contiguous — Block useszero-based indexing for ordering contiguous data ports. This isthe default value of the Index Vectorblock.

  • One-based contiguous — Block usesone-based indexing for ordering contiguous data ports. This isthe default value of the Multiport Switchblock

  • Specify indices — Block usesnoncontiguous indexing for ordering data ports.


  • When the control port is of enumerated type, selectSpecify indices.

  • If you select Zero-basedcontiguous or One-basedcontiguous, verify that the control portis not of enumerated type. This configuration is deprecatedand produces an error. You can run the Upgrade Advisor onyour model to replace each Multiport Switchblock of this configuration with a block that explicitlyspecifies data port indices. See Model Upgrades.

  • Avoid situations where the block contains unused dataports for simulation or code generation. When the controlport is of fixed-point or built-in data type, verify thatall data port indices are representable with that type.Otherwise, the following block behavior occurs.

    If the Block Has Unused DataPorts and Data Port Order Is:The Block Produces:
    Zero-based contiguousor One-based contiguousAwarning
    Specify indicesAnerror


Selecting Zero-based contiguous orOne-based contiguous enables theNumber of data ports parameter.

Selecting Specify indices enables theData port indices parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:DataPortOrder
Type: character vector
Values:'Zero-based contiguous' | 'One-based contiguous' |'Specify indices'
Default:'One-based contiguous' (MultiportSwitch) 'Zero-based contiguous'(Index Vector)

Specify the number of data input ports to the block. The total number of input ports isthe number you specify, plus one for the control signal input port, andplus one more if you set Data port for default caseto Additional data port.


To enable this parameter, set Data port orderto Zero-based contiguous orOne-based contiguous.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:Inputs
Type: character vector
Values: integer between 1 and65536
Default:'3' (Multiport Switch)'1' (IndexVector)

Specify an array of indices for your data ports. The block iconchanges to match the data port indices you specify.


  • To specify an array of indices that correspond to allvalues of an enumerated type, enterenumeration('name of thetype').

    For example, enumeration('MyColors') isa valid entry if MyColors is the name ofan enumerated type.

  • To enter specific values of an enumerated type, use thetype_name.enumerated_nameformat. Do not enter the underlying integer value.

    For example, enumeration({MyColors.Red, MyColors.Green,MyColors.Blue}) is a valid entry.

  • To indicate that more than one value maps to a data port,use brackets.

    For example, the following entries are both valid:

    • enumeration({MyColors.Red,MyColors.Green, [MyColors.Blue,MyColors.Yellow]})

    • enumeration({[3,5],0,18})

  • If the control port is of fixed-point or built-in datatype, the values for Data port indicesmust be representable with that type. Otherwise, an errorappears at compile time to alert you to unused dataports.

  • If the control port is of enumerated data type, the valuesfor Data port indices must beenumerated values of that type.

  • If Data port indices contains valuesof enumerated type, the control port must be of that datatype.


To enable this parameter, set Data port orderto Specify indices.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:DataPortIndices
Type: character vector
Values: array ofindices

Specify whether to use the last data port for out-of-range inputs, or to use anadditional port. An asterisk (*) next to the port name indicates theport the block uses when the control port value does not match any dataport indices.

  • Last data port — Block uses thelast data port for output when the control port value does notmatch any data port indices.

  • Additional data port — Block usesan additional data port for output when the control port valuedoes not match any data port indices.


If you set this parameter to Additional dataport and Number of data portsis 3, the number of input ports on theblock is 5. The first input is the control port, the next threeinputs are data ports, and the fifth input is the default port forout-of-range inputs.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:DataPortForDefault
Type: character vector
Values:'Last data port' | 'Additional dataport'
Default:'Last data port'

Specify the diagnostic action to take when the control port value does not match anydata port indices.

  • None — Produce no response.

  • Warning — Display a warning andcontinue the simulation.

  • Error — Terminate the simulationand display an error. In this case, the Data port fordefault case is used only for code generation andnot simulation.

For more information, see How the Block Handles an Out-of-Range Control Input.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter:DiagnosticForDefault
Type: charactervector
Values:'None' | 'Warning' | 'Error'

Specify the time interval between samples. To inherit the sample time, set this parameter to -1. For more information, see Specify Sample Time.


This parameter is visible only if you set it to a value other than -1. To learn more, see Blocks for Which Sample Time Is Not Recommended.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SampleTime
Type: string scalar or character vector
Default: "-1"

Signal Attributes

Select this check box to require that all data input ports have the same data type. When you clear this check box, the block allows data port inputs to have different data types.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputSameDT
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Lower value of the output range that Simulink checks.

Simulink uses the minimum to perform:

  • Parameter range checking (see Specify Minimum and Maximum Values for Block Parameters) for some blocks.

  • Simulation range checking (see Specify Signal Ranges and Enable Simulation Range Checking).

  • Automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

  • Optimization of the code that you generate from the model. This optimization can remove algorithmic code and affect the results of some simulation modes such as SIL or external mode. For more information, see Optimize using the specified minimum and maximum values (Embedded Coder).


Output minimum does not saturate or clip the actual output signal. Use the Saturation block instead.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: OutMin
Type: character vector
Values: '[ ]'| scalar
Default: '[ ]'

Upper value of the output range that Simulink checks.

Simulink uses the maximum value to perform:

  • Parameter range checking (see Specify Minimum and Maximum Values for Block Parameters) for some blocks.

  • Simulation range checking (see Specify Signal Ranges and Enable Simulation Range Checking).

  • Automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

  • Optimization of the code that you generate from the model. This optimization can remove algorithmic code and affect the results of some simulation modes such as SIL or external mode. For more information, see Optimize using the specified minimum and maximum values (Embedded Coder).


Output maximum does not saturate or clip the actual output signal. Use the Saturation block instead.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: OutMax
Type: character vector
Values: '[ ]'| scalar
Default: '[ ]'

Choose the data type for the output. The type can be inherited, specified directly, or expressed as a data type object such as Simulink.NumericType.

When you select an inherited option, the block behaves as follows:

  • Inherit: Inherit via internal rule—Simulink chooses a data type to balance numerical accuracy, performance, and generated code size, while taking into account the properties of the embedded target hardware. If you change the embedded target settings, the data type selected by the internal rule might change. It is not always possible for the software to optimize code efficiency and numerical accuracy at the same time. If the internal rule doesn’t meet your specific needs for numerical accuracy or performance, use one of the following options:

    • Specify the output data type explicitly.

    • Explicitly specify a default data type such as fixdt(1,32,16) and then use the Fixed-Point Tool to propose data types for your model. For more information, see fxptdlg (Fixed-Point Designer).

    • To specify your own inheritance rule, use Inherit: Inherit via back propagation and then use a Data Type Propagation block. Examples of how to use this block are available in the Signal Attributes library Data Type Propagation Examples block.

  • Inherit: Inherit via back propagation — Uses the data type of the driving block.

  • Inherit: Same as first data input — Uses the data type of the first data input port.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: OutDataTypeStr
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Inherit via internal rule | 'Inherit: Inherit via back propagation' | 'Inherit: Same as first input' | 'double' | 'single' | 'half' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' | 'uint16' | 'int32' | 'uint32' | 'int64' | 'uint64' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' | 'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)' | 'string' | Simulink.ImageType(480,640,3) | '<data type expression>'
Default: 'Inherit: Inherit via internal rule'

Select to lock the output data type setting of this block against changes by the Fixed-Point Tool and the Fixed-Point Advisor. For more information, see Use Lock Output Data Type Setting (Fixed-Point Designer).

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: LockScale
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Choose one of these rounding modes.


Rounds both positive and negative numbers toward positive infinity. Equivalent to the MATLAB® ceil function.


Rounds number to the nearest representable value. If a tie occurs, rounds to the nearest even integer. Equivalent to the Fixed-Point Designer™ convergent function.


Rounds both positive and negative numbers toward negative infinity. Equivalent to the MATLAB floor function.


Rounds number to the nearest representable value. If a tie occurs, rounds toward positive infinity. Equivalent to the Fixed-Point Designer nearest function.


Rounds number to the nearest representable value. If a tie occurs, rounds positive numbers toward positive infinity and rounds negative numbers toward negative infinity. Equivalent to the Fixed-Point Designer round function.


Automatically chooses between round toward floor and round toward zero to generate rounding code that is as efficient as possible.


Rounds number toward zero. Equivalent to the MATLAB fix function.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Ceiling' | 'Convergent' | 'Floor' | 'Nearest' | 'Round' | 'Simplest' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Floor'

See Also

For more information, see Rounding (Fixed-Point Designer).

Specify whether overflows saturate or wrap.

  • off — Overflows wrap to the appropriate value that the data type can represent.

    For example, the number 130 does not fit in a signed 8-bit integer and wraps to -126.

  • on — Overflows saturate to either the minimum or maximum value that the data type can represent.

    For example, an overflow associated with a signed 8-bit integer can saturate to -128 or 127.


  • Consider selecting this check box when your model has a possible overflow and you want explicit saturation protection in the generated code.

  • Consider clearing this check box when you want to optimize efficiency of your generated code.

    Clearing this check box also helps you to avoid overspecifying how a block handles out-of-range signals. For more information, see Troubleshoot Signal Range Errors.

  • When you select this check box, saturation applies to every internal operation on the block, not just the output or result.

  • In general, the code generation process can detect when overflow is not possible. In this case, the code generator does not produce saturation code.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SaturateOnIntegerOverflow
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Select this check box to allow input signals with different sizes.

  • On — Allows input signals with different sizes, and propagate the input signal size to the output signal. In this mode, the block produces a variable-size output signal.

  • Off — Requires that all nonscalar data input signals be the same size.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: AllowDiffInputSizes
Type: character vector
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

Select the category of data to specify.

  • Inherit — Inheritance rules for data types. Selecting Inherit enables a second menu/text box to the right where you can select the inheritance mode.

  • Built in — Built-in data types. Selecting Built in enables a second menu/text box to the right where you can select a built-in data type.

  • Fixed point — Fixed-point data types. Selecting Fixed point enables additional parameters that you can use to specify a fixed-point data type.

  • Expression — Expressions that evaluate to data types. Selecting Expression enables a second menu/text box to the right, where you can enter the expression.

For more information, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant.


To enable this parameter, click the Show data type assistant button.

Select the data type override mode for this signal.

  • When you select Inherit, Simulink inherits the data type override setting from its context, that is, from the block, Simulink.Signal object or Stateflow® chart in Simulink that is using the signal.

  • When you select Off, Simulink ignores the data type override setting of its context and uses the fixed-point data type specified for the signal.

For more information, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant in the Simulink documentation.


To enable this parameter, set Mode to Built in or Fixed point.


The ability to turn off data type override for an individual data type provides greater control over the data types in your model when you apply data type override. For example, you can use this option to ensure that data types meet the requirements of downstream blocks regardless of the data type override setting.

Specify whether the fixed-point data is signed or unsigned. Signed data can represent positive and negative values, but unsigned data represents positive values only.

  • Signed, specifies the fixed-point data as signed.

  • Unsigned, specifies the fixed-point data as unsigned.

For more information, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant.


To enable this parameter, set the Mode to Fixed point.

Specify the method for scaling your fixed-point data to avoid overflow conditions and minimize quantization errors. For more information, see Specifying a Fixed-Point Data Type.


To enable this parameter, set Mode to Fixed point.

Specify the bit size of the word that holds the quantized integer. For more information, see Specifying a Fixed-Point Data Type.


To enable this parameter, set Mode to Fixed point.

Specify fraction length for fixed-point data type as a positive or negative integer. For more information, see Specifying a Fixed-Point Data Type.


To enable this parameter, set Scaling to Binary point.

Specify slope for the fixed-point data type. For more information, see Specifying a Fixed-Point Data Type.


To enable this parameter, set Scaling to Slope and bias.

Specify bias for the fixed-point data type as any real number. For more information, see Specifying a Fixed-Point Data Type.


To enable this parameter, set Scaling to Slope and bias.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | bus | double | enumerated | fixed point | half | integer | single | string

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

expand all

The Multiport Switch block now issues a runtime error when thecontrol signal in the first port has a floating point value that exceeds thedatatype range of integers. This range includes Inf andNaN.

See Also

Index Vector | Switch


  • Variable-Size Signal Basics

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Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

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Select output signal based on control signal (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.