New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 07/31/1981 (2024)

20 years down Torrance. Good evening Newark air traffic controllers and their colleagues across the country are threatening again to tie up air travel with a strike. It took 50 days to settle but the baseball strike is over Pat Scanlon will have that story. And in tonight's closer look you'll meet five talented teenagers from East Orange making a name for themselves in show business. The professional air traffic controllers organization has set a Monday morning strike deadline of a new contract agreement is not reached over the weekend. Jim McQueen has the story. Here we go again say airline operators and passengers. When it appeared the air controllers in the federal government was settling their contractual differences. If you were expecting an unscheduled stop this week on the way to ratification of a contract. Union leaders in the federal government shook hands on June 27. But that's what happened a few days ago when 95 percent of the air controllers rank and file voted against it. Now Union leaders say they want to resume negotiations even if the federal government has indicated it's not happy about that. The air controllers union says it will strike Monday at 7:00 a.m. if the talks don't progress that could affect at least half the

nation's commercial air traffic. Representatives of the airlines operating from Newark Airport met today with Port Authority and Federal Aviation Administration officials to discuss contingency plans once again. Last time those plans would have sharply reduced flights especially short flights. This time however FAA officials say they'll try to maintain a normal operating schedule for as long as possible even if that means longer flight delays before instituting cutbacks. We expect that the system traffic system to handle will be able to handle upwards of 75 percent of the normal try. If we find that that figure isn't accurate and falls below 75 percent it will have to make adjustments. That's an example at Newark Airport. Jim McQueen in. A Bergen County man was released from federal custody today after posting a $250000 bond in connection with a violation of federal gun laws. But federal authorities in Newark are investigating the possibility the man helped a Soviet spy flee this country after escaping from a federal prison in California. Frank Albert Sweeney who lives

here is to return to federal court August 25th to answer the gun charges he was charged with possession of two handguns while a convicted felon after bringing the guns to this gun and sports shop near his home for repair and federal marshals combed his house today for evidence linking him to the spy case. Sweeney a former mercenary in Africa is being questioned in connection with the 1979 California prison escape of Christopher Boyce who is serving a 40 year sentence for selling U.S. spy satellite secrets to the Soviet Union. Federal authorities believe voices now in Africa. Inmates at the Union County Jail in Elizabeth have filed a list of grievances with that county sheriff at the top of the list is what the inmates called nasty filthy and indecent food overcrowding at the jail has been a problem for some months now. And on Monday night about a dozen inmates rebelled after being served their dinner and wrecked a dining hall. Authorities say all meals served at the jail are planned by dieticians at Elizabeth General Hospital. The inmates grievance list also included complaints about medical services recreation living conditions and legal counseling.

Negotiations will resume Monday between Passaic County officials and representatives of the county jail workers union. The union members rejected a tentative agreement reached on Tuesday because the pact would phase out pay in comments. The local represents about 80 jail guards and corrections officers. A proposal to allow Atlantic City's casinos to stay open 24 hours a day seems to be gaining support in that resort city and in the state legislature. Casino Operators must sense that new momentum they've launched a new lobbying effort to push the proposal along. Dan Hodson reports. Atlantic City casinos are open for 18 hours on weekdays and 20 hours on weekends. The reasons given for forcing the casinos to close for part of the day include trying to preserve the image that Atlantic City is not just a gambling center of the original Casino legislation. He says the proper image has now been established. Others say closing the casinos once a day for people who are gambling beyond their endurance to take a break. He says that reason doesn't hold much water.

Very very few people can walk away from the table some can't. But frankly for the small number of people who can't walk away on their own 18 hours during the course of a day is plenty of time to break them unfortunately. Supporters of 24 hour a day gambling say it would mean more revenue and more jobs. They say it would greatly reduce traffic problems that occur when the casino is closed. Pit Boss can either is trying to organize casino employees to lobby for 24 hour a day. He says the current system forces them to work 9 or 10 hour days regularly. Nobody is humanly capable of working 9 and 10 hours a day. And when you stop and figured out this investor requires you to do it every single day we come into work as awareness out. This is rough on our feet it's rough on our back it's rough on us mentally. We have several people that are having a difficult time with their problems with their health. Arthur says the first item of business is to get the employees to register to vote. Attorney Alfred Bennington would represent the group as a lobbyist if it's formed he says it could wield a lot of power. It's our view that if as many people as we think exist in this particular

category come out and put up a nominal amount of money we could be in the neighborhood of anywhere from 10 to 15000 people. And any politician in any county setting is going to have to view 10 to 15000 votes as something to be reckoned with. Bennington is apparently right because even though the group is not formally organized he says half the candidates for state legislature from Atlantic County have already contacted him expressing their support. In Atlantic City I'm Dan Haas. A state investigation into alleged abuse of elderly residents at an East Orange boarding home has resulted in an indictment. Thirty five year old Ronald doré a part time handyman at the Keston Manor was indicted yesterday on charges that he nailed shut the doors of two rooms there while four residents were still inside an Essex County grand jury charged off a dory with four counts of third degree criminal restraint cast and matter as one of two boarding homes owned by Doris Keston bomb in East Orange. Under investigation by the state. Now the charges stem from a June 7th inspection during which those doors were found nailed shut. More than 300 Newark taxi drivers

and owners met last night to discuss Governor Burns plan to let them start picking up fares in Manhattan as Susan these last reports the feeling among the cabbies is we don't want it. We were not allowed inside last night's meeting the first time drivers and owners discussed the governor's plan. Nothing was decided except they'll meet Tuesday with a burning to learn more about the proposal. Brown wants to reduce the 40 dollar fare New York cabbies charge for the one way ride to Newark International Airport by letting drivers in New York and New Jersey carry fares to and from both states. Right now Newark 600 cabbies who get most of their big fares here at the airport can take people to Manhattan but cannot take a fare back to New Jersey. New York City's 10000 cabbies can take passengers from Manhattan to New Jersey but are forbidden from taking a return fare. You were drivers we talked to don't like the idea claiming they'll lose business or find somebody come back to Newark you know looking for somebody to create a long

away time to go to work you know. New York New York I don't think it would be that good for us I think in the New York because they make many more trips over here. To me a sub solution is just to cooperate with us take us to New York we love that New York City just fine and then we can get a pass from here. Not too many people want to pay 40 45. A spokesman for the Newark taxi Board of Trade claim the plan is a power play by the Port Authority which runs the airport according to one official the P.A. admits reciprocity won't work. What they're really trying to do through the governor is to get control of industry in Newark. I'm. So many college students want to live on campus these days the New Jersey schools are turning down requests for

dormitory rooms by the hundreds leaving students the choice of commuting to classes or paying higher housing costs off campus. Tom Stewart has more. Rutgers University is swamped with applications from students who want to live on campus or relatively cheap food and rent are the main attractions. They said they have about 300 on the waiting list. And without the. They won't take any more. So I can't get in there anyway. Rutgers runs the country's second biggest college housing operation. But it's not big enough. Officials are planning to put three students into rooms originally intended to hold two. In an effort to accommodate some of the 1000 more students who want to get into a dorm room this year just the same. Many won't get that opportunity. We're probably turning down close to eighteen hundred thousand people that will not get housing. We have waiting lists a neighborhood of about seven to eight hundred other New Jersey schools face a similar situation.

Montclair State College averages 1000 more applicants than they have beds for Glassboro State College is also full up and Seton Hall prohibits students living within 25 miles of campus from taking dorm rooms which are already packed. In fact of the schools we checked only Princeton University and rider college have no on campus housing crunch. But elsewhere hundreds of New Jersey students will be paying for more expensive accommodations off campus at the same time college tuitions continue to climb. When I got accepted I called up. There's nothing about doing they said that the law on campus housing was. Taking over. At Rutgers University in New Brunswick I'm John Stewart. Let's take a look at the weather forecast and I will be fair with temperatures in the mid to upper 60s tomorrow will be sunny with temperatures in the low to mid 80s and the outlook for Sunday. Mostly fair and warm. Do Wop is the term applied to a style of acapella singing which is popular in the late 50s and early

60s. Well to date doowop is enjoying something of a revival. And here with tonight's closer look is Gus Henning Berg in New York. Last month we took a closer look at the work of an East Orange based singing group called 14 carat soul. The group has a rather unique sound and a large local following. In fact the response to our story was so strong that we've decided to repeat it again this evening. A lot of people look back on the 1950s as an age of innocence but teenage years it meant Crewcuts poodle skirts high school classes in the junior prom. It was a time when doo wop or acapella music was king. Of course all of that is gone now. Well almost all right. I am my own boss I am what I am but. You're right they call themselves 14 karat so.

They don't look like an old age group and they don't draw an older audience on the Saturday afternoon more than 5000 people saw them perform at the Essex County Park and. The group sings in a style that until recently had all but disappeared from the music scene. A mixture of rhythm and blues along with five part harmony and a quarter of a century ago came to be called. Now. Catamount square so enterprise incorporated. Stan Krauss is 14 karat souls manager working out of a small record store in Jersey City houses compelling music for years. He's worked with for four years and believes the group is really something special and at the time is once again right.

It's harmony and harmony some people call it we call it a mixture of jazz pop a little jazz improvisations in the song they do a lot of scatting relating back to some of the 40s stuff. Bebop different terms are used in the US and it basically relates to harmony it's five parts. Where they do a lot of chord structures good singing and don't sing octaves they sing straight harmony. For. The five members of the group first met when they all sang in the same church choir in one thousand seventy five. Wright is now known professionally organized the group. Russell Fox the second and David the first. Followed quickly by Reginald Simpson.

Being a successful singing group for more than just being able to carry a tune. You have to be ready to deal with just about anything at the time last summer when the group was on its way to an important radio interview in New York. The whole top end I said I think I got the car and you're like what's wrong. You know crazy and you know the car and then they see the car don't you know it's in there you know we stand for a full tank of gas you know some of the best rock music played before they were even asked to work in public as cast members on an off-Broadway musical. But it was a girl came up one of the ushers came up and told us that

one of the directors would like to see us downstairs and so everybody was saying well maybe they're cutting our act and they were not going to go you know because we were at the end of the show anyway. So then she came up again and another one came up and said you're not don't worry. They don't want to see you. She said that over the loudspeaker comes forth to the stage and we say so what are we doing. Everybody turns around and everybody is running for the state. I was last in the pool and pushed me past the thing almost fell onto the stage and he's a few seconds with three seconds and I didn't panic but in the end there we you know by the time I got there everybody understand me and they were all out of breath and I think we all see him like this. Look at the camera you know. But the total shot didn't reach me until after and I realized what we had done. We had performed in front of millions of people in the cameras. I didn't feel that I was doing it but afterwards I could die. It was scary.

It was really scary. Street music. It grew out of gospel and was spread by teenagers singing together on street corners and hallways and playground. It was one way to help pass the time. Type of music which didn't require expensive sound equipment or even instruments or and eat most of the groups which pioneered the doo wop sound in the late 1950s have disappeared. Often victims of changing musical tastes and sometimes just bad management. 14 carat stone hopes to endure just as a musical style they have and because they are young talented and intelligent they just may be able to make it. Trying to make a living singing is a risky business but the members of 14 parents are ready to

take a chance. You're right. Week 14 Council just returned home after their first European tour tonight and tomorrow night they'll be appearing at the bottom line in New York City. Friends are speculating what's next for the young group hopefully a major label record contract. Thank you guys great report. It might be appropriate to take a few minutes here to let you our viewers know that this is Gus having birds last day with us in New Jersey Nightly News Gus is going to be pursuing other private interests. It was like 1979 when Gus became a senior correspondent for our closer look unit proud of that he had worked with us as a guest commentator. All of us in New Jersey Nightly News Needless to say want to thank God for his important contribution to this program and wish him all the best of very good luck in the future

Gus. And here's Pat's again once and for Bill Perry tonight sports. OK Don we're 50 days and 500 games later there's been a tentative agreement worked out in the Major League Baseball strike. Both sides must still ratify the pact but it's safe to say Play ball. As for the compensation issue teams losing free agents will be able to pick from a pool of players and players will get credit served for service time was during the strike the first game back will be the All-Star game in Cleveland on August 9th with regular play beginning the next day August 10th. Well this was the scene outside a Veteran Stadium in Philadelphia where these fans were willing to forgive and forget the past 50 days and get back to watching the national pastime. The Phillies will get started quickly. They'll be playing two exhibitions next week against the Orioles one in Philly one in Baltimore. Meanwhile inside inside stadium workers we're getting the astroturf field ready for play. They'd already given up on baseball and had the field ready for Eagles football but there will be a second season in 1981 when the Phillies are happy about that. Here's some reaction. First of many really nice to get back to this ballpark a few

grumbles of my spouse is a clue. It seems like forever since I've had a baseball uniform on. It seemed like forever since I've thrown a ball I feel more like a professional golfer than to a baseball player I've had golf club in my hand so much. The baseball bat feels funny. It is like starting over it's like going back to spring training. Quote I don't think anything's worth missing the baseball and putting the game in jeopardy the way we did sort of what side you're on I feel that both sides have taken responsibility in hurting the game of baseball the way we did. But it's done it's something we've we've now got to put behind us we've got to overcome it. It's finally over. Play continues at the mutual benefit life open in South Orange in quarterfinal action today. Dick Stockton defeating Jimmy Arya 6 4 to 6 1 in women's play Virginia Rizzi childer Barbara Jordan 6 2 6 2 and other action Beth Norton over Mimi also back an upset 6 7 6 1 7 0 and Joanna Russell beating Pampas salad New Jersey 6 2 6 1.

And in the stadium tonight top seeded Jean Mayer meets Manuel Ron Taiz and for the ladies Diane from Holtz takes on Kathy Horvath. Well the cosmos have clinched the eastern division title they boast a 21 5 record that's the best in the league. Despite that success though there's an aggressive element that's been missing. However that void may be filled Sunday when Dutch midfielder Yohan a Skins return to action when the cosmos host Jacksonville new skins hasn't played for the Cosmos since last September following a suspension and numerous personal problems. Johan is trained by himself for months and now on Sunday coach Dennis Vyse father says he'll play as you can imagine No.1. Johan is quite happy about his reinstatement. Just today. I want to be fit be if I want to be in the field again I want to hustle I want to run I want to write the most on the moving up to the front. I go back I'm going to try to get the most from the team. And until I do I am played a good old game if it is possible. This weekend the Meadowlands Arena hosts its first sporting event the $50000 medal and Grand Prix

showjumping event the Grand Prix kicks off Hamiltonian week which will include the Woodrow Wilson pace on Monday night and of course conclude Saturday with the fifty six renewal of the Hamiltonian which is being run for the first time at the middle and strike run pre-qualifying starts Saturday. The finals on Sunday. Done. Sounds like a good weekend. It should be a busy weekend. Thanks a lot. You still have decided what to do with your weekend we have some more suggestions for you when we return. Another weekend rich in both cultural and recreational activities is almost here and if your plans are in said

here's a look at some of them. The New Jersey State Museum has mounted a major retrospective exhibit of Jacob Landau artist and printmaker. Land that was been described as a philosopher and humanist who makes political statements in his work. More than 100 of those powerful visual statements including the view exhibit. Landau who was born in Philadelphia almost 75 years ago has shown his work throughout the world. This exhibit focuses on the last three decades of his career. His style is said to have been determined to a great extent by the media. He has worked in wood and linoleum cutting encourage the spikey for gold which he was originally. WALLACE Honestly wish Landau turned in the sixties surrealistic atmosphere throughout most of his work. The exhibit can be seen on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. That's at the New Jersey State Museum and five West State Street in Trenton. Portrait of a period. The Victorian playground on the Jersey Shore is the name of a new exhibit at the Monmouth museum in Lynn Croft through graphics costume settings and memorabilia.

The show will portray the development of some seashore resorts through the Gilded Age of Victorian elegance between 1862 and 1910 resorts such as Long Branch and Asbury Park through the upper classes to the lavish playground of the presidents for leisure pursuits and recreation. You'll get to see the varying modes of dress worn by men women and children as they strolled the boardwalk. The exhibit can be seen on Saturday from 10 to 4:30 on Sunday from 1 to 5. The museum is on the Brookdale Community College campus in Lynn Croft. On stage this weekend summer fun in Essex County presents the amorous fleet. The body musical is based on the Moliere play school for rhymes the story of our north the cantankerous old tyrant who thinks he's found the secret of training the perfect wife. This is the company's sixth and final production of the season. The curtain goes up on Saturday at 8:30 PM. Summer fun performs at the Montclair State College Memorial Auditorium in Upper Montclair. Also in theaters Scott Pino is playing in Burlington County College written in 16

71 the comedy or originally titled Les for Barrett was one of the last four plays that established Moliere as the greatest comic dramatist in French history. The play is a three ring circus in one gene Caruso will play the title role curtain goes up on Saturday at 8 p.m. on Sunday at 2 p.m. That's at the Louis Parker college center on the Burlington County College campus in Pemberton. Finally this weekend at Ringwood Manor State Park is the backdrop for a concert by the Camerata ensemble. They're a professional group whose emphasis over the past several years has been the study and performance of chamber music of the 17th and 18th centuries. This weekend's performance will include selections from Bach Telemann and handle That's on Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Barnes theatre in Ringwood mater State Park in Ringwood. So there's plenty to do you have a pleasant weekend in mind starts off in a very pleasant note I get a welcome cat man to head to our show can't have been the hostess of our major New Jersey weekend program a reporter here at nightly news and starting Monday she'll be joining me as the co-anchor of our nightly news program will also be the primary reporters for a closer look

segments. Welcome and I understand you have a big one for someone they know that's right than I do and I'm just back from vacation a nice long rest and looking forward to joining you at about that Closer Look I'll have a report on Monday about a sizzling problem among construction workers in downtown New York that could erupt at any time now a little forward. OK look forward to you joining us on Monday too thanks. And that's the news for Pats gambling And I'm Don Torrance Good night from all of us here in New Jersey I think. Jersey presentation. New Jersey public television veteran and 213 questions reporter.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 07/31/1981 (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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