Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (2024)

You can enjoy this Mediterranean tuna pie for breakfast, lunch or dinner – any time of day is excellent for this simple canned tuna recipe. Full of Mediterranean flavors, this cheap high-protein meal prep idea makes a delicious packable healthy lunch that you will be looking forward to.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (1)

The process of making this tasty tuna bake is super simple – all you need to do is prep some vegetables, mix everything together in a bowl, and bake. Yes, it’s a Mediterranean tuna recipe that basically makes itself. With a little bit of help from you, of course, you did a great job there!

I’d be such a great motivational speaker, I know. Well, I sure hope I motivated you to try this delicious gluten-free easy Mediterranean diet recipe, because it’s SO good!

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (2)

Mediterranean Tuna Pie Ingredients

Canned tuna. Pretty cheap, a great source of protein and a good source of omega-3’s canned tuna is a great food to have in your pantry.

Eggs. Eggs are probably the most versatile food ever, aren’t they? You can use them to make savory and sweet dishes and they’re not only breakfast food. This protein-packed tuna and egg bake is proof you can enjoy eggs for lunch or even dinner as well!

Vegetables. Red peppers, pickled jalapenos, tomatoes, scallions, fresh herbs and spinach are some of the vegetables that go wonderfully in this tasty recipe. You can add other vegetables as well – broccoli, zucchini, kale or cauliflower would be geat too.

Olive oil, olives, oats and shredded cheese. We need these ingredients to make the tuna pie complete. Although you can even skip the oats and cheese and still end up with a super tasty lunch.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (3)

How To Make Mediterranean Tuna Pie

Making this Mediterranean tuna pie is an easy task and it won’t take a ton of active work. It’s actually the dream meal prep idea, because it’s lazy, delicious, healthy and high-protein. What more can you ask for?

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (4)

Here’s what you’ll do to for the canned tuna pie recipe:

  • Chop all the vegetables. So, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, scallions and the fresh herbs.
  • Next, saute all these veggies with a little bit of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Remember we’ll also be adding canned tuna and olives to the recipe, so we don’t need to add too much salt here. Just a pinch. So, start with the peppers, then add the tomatoes and after a few minutes add the other veggies as well. You want to cook these down until there are almost no juices from the tomatoes (about 4-5 minutes). Once done, let the vegetables cool off.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (5)

  • Preheat the oven to 350F/180C.
  • Add eggs, tuna, cooled-off vegetables, oats, olives, shredded cheese, pickled jalapenos, some black pepper and fresh herbs to a large bowl and mix them together.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (6)

  • Spread the tuna mixture evenly in a small baking pan lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch – the pie shouldn’t be wobbly. The baking time can vary, depending on how big your pan was and how thick the bake ends up. So, make sure to keep an eye on it after 18-20 minutes in the oven.
  • Once done, let the Mediterranean tuna pie cool off and cut it into pieces.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (7)

Meal Prep

This is seriously the perfect meal prep recipe, it’s high-protein and just perfect for a healthy lunch or breakfast! Just store in the fridge for up to 3 days and I highly recommend reheating and serving with some fresh vegetables like cucumbers, lettuce or arugula on the side.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (8)


When it comes to this Mediterranean tuna pie, there are so many options, it’s a super versatile recipe!

You can switch up ingredients, and try different vegetable variations.

You can make it vegetarian and for example, add in sauteed green beans or cooked potatoes.

Another option would be to add a different type of protein you like. Adjust the ingredients to your own liking!

Another thing you can change about this recipe is its shape. Feel free to use the tuna mixture and make savory egg muffins. You can also use a larger pan and make a thinner tuna pie and use it in healthy sandwiches with avocado and extra vegetables.

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (9)

More Healthy Mediterranean Diet Recipes

Whether you meal prep it for the week or eat the entire thing in one day with someone else, I hope you enjoy this delicious high-protein Mediterranean tuna pie as much as we did! For weekly meal prep, be sure to double the recipe, especially if you’re making it for more than two / three people.

Also, if you’re a fan of the Mediterranean diet and love Mediterranean recipes, make sure to check out these healthy ideas as well:

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (10)

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (11)

Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe)

Yield: 8 slices/muffins

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Enjoy this Mediterranean tuna pie for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Full of Mediterranean flavors, this simple canned tuna recipe makes a tasty packable healthy lunch idea that is high-protein and you can meal prep too!


  • 6 eggs
  • 8oz/220g canned tuna, drained weight
  • 1 1/2 cups red bell pepper, chopped
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • 1/3 cup tomatoes
  • 3 tbsp chopped pickled jalapenos
  • 1/4 cup greens incl. dill and parsley
  • 1/4 cup chopped olives
  • 1 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
  • 4 1/2 tbsp quick oats


  1. Chop peppers, tomatoes, spinach, scallions and fresh herbs.
  2. Saute the peppers and tomatoes with olive oil and a small pinch of salt. After a few minutes add the other spinach and scallions, cook until tomatoes are no longer juicy (about 4-5 minutes). Once done, let the vegetables cool off.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C.
  4. Add eggs, tuna, cooled-off vegetables, oats, olives, shredded cheese, pickled jalapenos, some black pepper and fresh herbs to a large bowl and mix them together.
  5. Add the tuna mixture to a small baking pan lined with parchment paper and spread evenly.
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch – the pie shouldn’t be wobbly.
  7. Once done, let the Mediterranean tuna pie cool off and cut it into pieces.
Nutrition Information

Yield 8 Serving Size 1
Amount Per Serving Calories 152Total Fat 8gSaturated Fat 3gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 4gCholesterol 158mgSodium 314mgCarbohydrates 6gFiber 2gSugar 2gProtein 15g


Mediterranean Tuna Pie (Meal Prep Recipe) - Homemade Mastery (2024)
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