Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (2024)

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Would you like to learn how to make authentic Italian fresh pasta? It’s the easiest thing in the world as the recipe only has 2 ingredients! Flour and eggs!

For the easiest sauce to accompany your delicious fresh pasta don’t forget to make my easyPasta Cream Sauce Recipe or Bolognese Sauce.

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (1)

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Fresh Pasta

While I realise not everyone will feel the need to make their own fresh pasta at home I believe they might change their mind once they see just how EASY it is to do.

I am no stranger to pasta making. I grew up watching my granny and my mom making homemade noodles for Chicken and Noodle Soup since I was little. Filled pasta like pierogi or pelmeni was also a staple in our house. Similar principle but not the same recipe as Italian pasta.

However, I never made my own Italian pasta until our recent trip to Southern Italy. Taking a cooking class in Italy seemed like a fun idea when we booked our tickets. And guess what…it was!

The cooking class advert promised to teach us how to make 3 typical Italian recipes. Eggplant Parmigiana, Fresh Pasta and Bolognese Sauce. I thought to myself it was too ambitious for a 4 hour class. It turned out to be just enough time because none of those dishes take ages to make!

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (2)

How to make it at home

The basic pasta recipe is incredibly simple. 100g of pasta flour to 1 large egg per person. That recipe worked like a charm when we used it in Italy. However when I got home and tracked down the right kind of flour, which is called “00” flour, it didn’t quite work the same.

Different flour, humidity, the size of eggs. All of those factors contribute to the right texture of the perfect pasta dough. That being said you still can be successful at making fresh pasta at home using this master recipe. Just be prepared to use either a splash of water or a touch of flour to get your pasta dough to the right consistency. Which bring us to the next question.

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (3)

Pasta Dough Consistency and Texture

Homemade pasta dough should be firm and pliable at the same time. If it’s too soft the pasta will turn out to be too sticky. If it’s too hard, it will be too rubbery.

This is probably too much information and might sound overwhelming. How am I supposed to know what pasta dough texture will produce the best tasting fettuccine you might be thinking but don’t worry!

There is no magic answer to that except for trial and error. Just like with bread making it takes time and experience to figure it out but I guarantee that even your first attempt at pasta making will taste incredible to you!

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (4)

Mixing pasta dough by hand vs. machine

I’ve done both and while mixing the dough by hand is very simple and doesn’t require extra equipment, it could be tiring, especially if you are making enough for a large family. Using either method delivers pretty much identical results.

If you decide to make your pasta using the original method, simply dump your flour onto work surface, form a well in the center with your hand and break eggs directly into the well.

Then break up the egg yolks with the tips of your fingers and star working the eggs into the flour until you get the dough. Alternatively you can use a fork to break the eggs. Simple. If your dough is too stiff start adding water one tablespoon at a time for the right consistency.

If you use a KitchenAid mixer or a similar stand mixer, make the dough by combining the flour and eggs and mixing them with a dough hook attachment. You can also use a food processor. Just add both ingredients at the same time, hit the ON button and let it run until a dough ball forms.

With both methods watch out for the right dough consistency and adjust wet or dry ingredients as needed. Always allow the dough to rest for 20-30 minutes before moving to the next stage of shaping pasta.

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (5)

How to shape pasta

The last and the most fun step is turning pasta dough into actual pasta. And here is where you will need the help of a pasta machine. While it possible to shape pasta by hand it’s a tedious and tiring process of rolling it out to proper thickness and then cutting into pasta ribbons.

If you don’t mind investing a little money, this pasta machine will last you a lifetime. It’s incredibly easy to use and store. The pasta machine I own is Marcato Atlas, which comes with two attachments for making tagliatelle/fettuccine and tagliolini. Both pictured in this article.

Fun fact. Tagliatelle and fettuccine is the same pasta shape but known by different names in Northern and Southern Italy respectively.

If you are brave enough to make tagliatelle by hand. All you need to know is that Italians are serious about their pasta standards. Tagliatelle must be 6mm-7mm wide when cut into strips. Our Italian teacher measured hers with a ruler!

The uncut pasta sheets straight from the machine are what you would use in a lasagna recipe.

The actual process

Slice the rested pasta dough into 4 equal disks as shown in the photo above. Make sure you dust your dough disk with flour before you send it through a pasta machine to prevent from sticking. Keep the rest covered under a tea towel.

Start with the widest setting. After the first time fold the dough over and send it through the machine again. Then change the setting to 3 and repeat the process. Finally go up to 6 or 7 depending on the thickness you like. I prefer using 6 for tagliatelle and 7 for tagliolini.

Once the dough sheet is the desired thickness, cut it in half as it will be very long and lightly dust with flour. Switch to the pasta cutting attachment and turn your pasta sheet into beautiful pasta ribbons.

Dust with flour and gather into a nest. Proceed with the rest of the dough.

If you don’t intend to cook your fresh pasta right away, I recommend drying it out a bit to prevent sticking and clumping together. You can either purchase a pasta drying rack or use the handle of a wooden spoon and your imagination to make one.

How long to cook fresh pasta

Fresh pasta takes no more than 3 minutes to cook for the traditional al dente taste! The best sauce for tagliatelle according to Italians is Bolognese Sauce. I make mine in a slow cooker! Or you can make my incredibly popular 5 Minute Pasta Sauce.

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (6)

Tagliatelle or fettuccine is my favourite pasta shape. What is yours? Let me know in comments!

Favourite Recipes Using Fresh Pasta:

  • Creamy Tagliatelle with Bacon, Mushroom and Truffle Oil
  • Tagliatelle with Pancetta, Basil and Mozzarella
  • Seafood Lasagna

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (7)

Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe

Julia Frey of Vikalinka

Would you like to learn how to make authentic Italian fresh pasta? It's the easiest thing in the world as the recipe only has 2 ingredients!

5 from 3 votes

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Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Course Main Course

Cuisine Italian

Servings 4

Calories 427 kcal


  • 400g/3 cups+2 tbsp 00 pasta flour
  • 4 eggs large


To make pasta dough

  • Empty your flour onto work surface, form a well in the center with your hand and break eggs directly into the well.

    Then break up the egg yolks with the tips of your fingers and star working the eggs into the flour until you get the dough. Alternatively you can use a fork to break the eggs. Simple. If your dough is too stiff start adding water one tablespoon at a time for the right consistency.

  • If you use a KitchenAid mixer or a similar stand mixer, make the dough by combining the flour and eggs and mixing them with a dough hook attachment.

  • You can also use a food processor. Just add both ingredients at the same time, hit the ON button and let it run until a dough ball forms.

  • With both methods watch out for the right dough consistency and adjust wet or dry ingredients as needed. Cover the pasta dough and let it rest for 30 minutes before shaping it.

To shape pasta

  • Slice the rested pasta dough into 4 equal disks as shown in the photos. Make sure you dust your dough disk with flour before you send it through a pasta machine to prevent from sticking. Keep the rest covered under a tea towel.

    Start with the widest setting. After the first time fold the dough over and send it through the machine again. Then change the setting to 3 and repeat the process. Finally go up to 6 or 7 depending on the thickness you like. I prefer using 6 for fettuccine and 7 for finer pasta like tagliolini or ravioli.

  • Once the dough sheet is the desired thickness, cut it in half as it will be very long and lightly dust with flour. Switch to the pasta cutting attachment and turn your pasta sheet into beautiful pasta ribbons.

    Dust with flour and gather into a nest. Proceed with the rest of the dough.

To cook fresh pasta

  • Cook in a large pot of boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Then mix with a sauce of your choice.


Calories: 427kcalCarbohydrates: 77gProtein: 16gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 164mgSodium: 64mgPotassium: 168mgFiber: 3gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 238IUCalcium: 40mgIron: 5mg

Keyword fresh pasta,, homemade pasta

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Homemade Fresh Pasta Recipe (2024)


What is the ratio of eggs to flour for pasta? ›

Use one large-size egg for each full serving you want to make, to that add 1 ½ the egg's weight in flour. (You can do this with a simple kitchen scale.) If you don't have a scale, use 2 eggs per 1 cup of flour to make 1 serving. You can make one pound of fresh pasta with 2 cups of flour and 3 eggs.

How long should I boil fresh homemade pasta? ›

Cook fresh pasta noodles in a large pot of boiling salted water. (Use about 6 quarts of water for 1 pound of pasta.) Fresh pasta takes considerably less time to cook than dried, usually 1 to 3 minutes, so watch it carefully. To test, remove a noodle with tongs or a long-handled fork and take a bite.

Do you need to dry fresh pasta before cooking? ›

Giving the pasta time to dry before cooking works well for long thin shapes, such as fettuccine. Stuffed pasta like ravioli or tortellini needs to be a little harder before we cook them; otherwise, that tasty filling will simply fall out when it's boiled!

Can I use plain flour for pasta? ›

You can use plain flour to make the pasta, but 00 flour gives it a little more bite. This pasta is called pappardelle, the thick, silky ribbons pair really well with everything - from hearty sauces to a simple pesto.

What is the formula for fresh pasta? ›

Our favorite basic homemade pasta formula

Let's begin with a basic pasta recipe: 1 large egg per cup of flour used, plus 1 to 2 tablespoons of water as needed. That's it, really. Egg, flour, and maybe water.

What flour is best for homemade pasta? ›

Semolina flour is good for pasta because it's a hard variety of wheat and has a high protein content. Both of these properties give more structure to pasta which provides that elusive 'al dente' quality to fresh pastas.

How long to leave out fresh pasta to dry? ›


Lay pasta out in a single or thin layer. You'll want to do this on a clean, dry surface like a baking sheet, cutting board or clean cloth towel. Another option is to hang long strands from a drying rack. Let the pasta air dry for one hour.

How long do you let pasta dough rest? ›

Rest. Place the dough in a small bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes at room temperature or up to overnight in the fridge – this is an extremely important step, so don't skip it!

How long should fresh pasta dry before cutting? ›

Place your dough on a flat and floured surface, this could be a baking tray or a countertop. Then sprinkle with flour and leave to dry for 15 minutes. Once you've cut your shapes, you leave the pasta for a further 15 minutes before adding it to boiling water.

Why does my fresh pasta turned GREY? ›

If you keep fresh pasta in the fridge for over 18 hours, the pasta will start to absorb water and become oxidised. A telltale sign of this is the pasta turning into a “greenish-grey” colour.

Why is 00 flour better for pasta? ›

Double zero flour has higher protein at around 12-13% while regular flour has 10-12%. The higher protein content tends to create a firmer dough. This means that 00 flour will create crispier pizzas and lighter pasta than regular flour. Moreover, double zero flour has lower gluten than regular flour.

Why is my homemade pasta brittle? ›

Pasta must be dried very carefully

The slower method of air drying bronze cut pasta is both more traditional and produces better quality pasta. Flash drying can cause pasta to become excessively brittle and susceptible to cracking and breaking.

Is it worth making your own pasta? ›

Most food critics will tell you that homemade pasta is always better than store bought. However, it's important to remember that making pasta is an exact science, and it may take a few batches before you get your ratios right. Do a few test runs when making homemade pasta to make sure you have the recipe correct.

What is a substitute for 00 flour? ›

All this said, it's generally fine to substitute all-purpose flour for “00” flour. You'll notice a texture difference if you grew up in Europe or are very familiar with with products made from “00” flour, but all your recipes will still come out just fine.

Can 00 pizza flour be used for pasta? ›

In Italy, flour is graded by a number system from tipo 2 (brown flour with bran removed) to '000' (superfine white flour the texture of cornflour). The popular '00' flour is roughly in the middle of these grades, and is typically used for pizza bases and homemade pastas.

How much egg is in dry pasta? ›

Dried pasta is made with a different kind of dough and without eggs, which, along with flour, are the primary ingredients in fresh pasta. The two separate preparations produce disparate textures, tastes, colors.

Do you mix egg and flour? ›

Egg and flour are two essential ingredients in many baked goods and recipes. Eggs provide structure and moisture, while flour acts as a binding agent and helps to thicken and stabilize mixtures. Together, they create a foundation for a wide variety of dishes, from cakes and cookies to bread and pasta.

How many egg yolks per 100g of flour for pasta? ›

For every 100 grams of flour, use 1 (50- to 55-gram) egg (net weight, i.e., without the shell), which corresponds to 1 USDA medium egg.

Why add eggs before flour? ›

Not to be dramatic (????), but eggs are transformative. When combined with flour, they add to the structure and texture of cakes, cookies, and breads. Egg wash is the secret ingredient for beautifully caramelized pie crusts and challah; it can even be used as a kind of edible glue for slivered almonds or sesame seeds.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.