Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (2024)

Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (1)

By Stillness in the Storm 16 Comments

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(Henry Makow Ph.D.)Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980’s. Today she is confined to a mental hospital, a classically Communist form of punishment for dissidents. Her crime is revealing Illuminati depravity in a new book,Nathalie: Confessions of a Fashion Model: The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control, Slavery and Sexual AbuseEx-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (2)reviewed below.

RelatedExposing the Cabal’s Global Child Abuse Network — Who or What is the whor* of Babylon

SourceHenry Makow

byHenry Makow Ph.D., September 2nd, 2018

Nathalie Augustina was aMK-Ultramind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another “alter.”

She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA andSatanist elite.

The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent withDutch banker Ronald Bernard‘s revelations.

The super-rich and royalty belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis.

Policeand military intelligence [source,source,source] enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie’s case, Amsterdam’s Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left.

In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by “Dutch counterintelligence.” They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about “codes” which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated.

Her book was midwived by Robin de Ruiter, author ofThe 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation ofMK-Ultra brainwashingand how top modeling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.

Nathalie says that most 1980’s top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. “Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life.” (205)

Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his “orgy island” where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. “Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump…the ultimate purpose: blackmail.” (63)

Buy BookThe Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors, and One Woman’s Fight for Justice

Nathalie was present at events attended byDavid Rockefellerand members of theRothschild family.

“All of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion… A very old lady… came in and everybody made way for her. She looked like she was hundreds of years old. (…) Bodyguards helped her to walk straight. She was covered with jewels… She came up to me and stroked my arm. ‘I am honored to meet you. You have beautiful skin.'” (126)

Apparently, people who have everything seek the one thing they cannot have.

She retired from modeling in the 1990’s and became an anti-pedophile researcher and activist.

“I discovered that incest was gigantic and rapists of children were hardly ever punished in the Netherlands… the Dutch system was protecting these monsters… I was looking at the makings of a pedophile society.” (152)

“In 2018 the European Union prepared far-reaching plans to legalize and normalize pedophilia and the decriminalize sex with children across Europe. The principle of a minimum age has been abandoned already by several European countries.

“In these countries, adults are allowed to have sex with children of any age. They will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove threat, violence, duress or surprise.” (204)

As you can see, humanity is partly ruled by its most depraved elements who are inducting us into theirsatanic cult, the better to exploit us.

Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release.

Her book,The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control, Slavery and Sexual Abuse, is available to purchase on Amazon.com

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Reader Interactions


  1. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (3)Tim Kitts says

    Sorry, but she lost all credibility the moment she implicated Keanu.


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (4)Wizzy says

      Why bc you know him personally right? f*ckk off. You’re are an idol worshipper. I like him too, a lot actually, but he is not God, not The Lord our God. So he is not perfect. Oh let me guess bc he fell off the grid from all the evil sh*t he did. It looks like he is innocent and playing victim. He already sacrificed his sibling. Surely he had to do more.


  2. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (5)C. Willinais says

    About 45-50 years ago, I met a little old man from India.

    Who’s name was Srila Prabupada. He told me about what happens

    to members of Satanic cults after they die. They incarnate into the

    bodies of orphans, to be later sacrificed to Satan, thousands of times!

    It’s all about “enjoy life now, & suffer later”. Gain the world, then lose your soul, to endless re-incarnations as false flag war orphans!

    So gaining a world, (that was never yours to begin with), then to
    re-incarnate into a little babe, to be skinned alive, etc is hardly, even, worth it.

    After WW2, the U.S.A. Corp. was involved in over 200 false flag wars.
    WHY, so many?? Kinda makes one wonder, hmmmm….


  3. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (6)Laurie says

    Keanu Reeves, I say bullsh*t to that…..pure bullsh*t


  4. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (7)J.R. Sweet says

    To all of you who doubt that Keanu Reeves could be a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave as well as a Slave Handler, I say unto you that you are blind and ignorant fools, and your BELIEFS are irrelevant. Leonardo Dicaprio is a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave, Tom Cruise is a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave, Randy Travis is a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave, Brittany Spears is a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave, so why do you think that Keanu Reeves would also not be a CIA Trauma Based Mind Slave?


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (8)Glory says

      I agree.


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (9)Loo says

      How do you know these people are all CIA trauma based sex slaves ?


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (10)Wizzy says

      Thank you. Like damn what is wrong with them?


  5. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (11)billy says

    Trump was on Epstein’s island? Pure sh*t


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (12)Justin Deschamps says

      He met with Epstein, he was not on the island, at least no confirmation has emerged as such.


  6. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (13)Nathalie supporter says

    I read Nathalie’s book and i believe her. I know many people in the truther community have been led to believe that Keanu is one of the good ones, but if you look at the facts, it’s really not all that unbelievable that he is involved in this sick sh*t. You have to do some messed up things in order to move up in the ranks of Hollywood, so why would Keanu be any different? He just probably has a really good publicist who made some memes about him to make him look good. I have seen these memes and fell for it myself,

    I believe in Nathalie so much that i wrote to the mental hospital they’ve illegally forced her into and asked them to release her. Anyone who is involved in this mk ultra/satanic ritual sh*t deserves the worst. There’s always a way out. Life will be difficult for them if they choose that path, but it is the right thing to do.


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (14)Lou says

      Does it say what mental illness she is supposed to be suffering from ?


  7. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (15)Felicity says

    The sad reality is we are living in the times of the prophecies of Habakkuk. The monster has reached its climax. The Illuminati have been getting away with this for at least 70 years when they started turning our image (made with the compass) into their television “stars”. According to them, every human can be a “star” and “the universe is expanding”. How it is done, I have no idea. Read Isaiah 44 and Romans 1.
    (Nothing is hidden from God).
    They exchange their glory (mortal man) for images. Then in Revelation Jesus calls what they do “the so-called deep secrets of the synagogue of Satan”. There is no secret because it’s written in Isaiah 44 – it tells you what they are doing. And this entire country is full of “the craft”.
    So all they have to do is make an image of you and they can control you. Easy to do to the weak, poor, or oppressed. Then their own people will sit and taunt you saying “you’re not saved”. “You’re not Christian” – even though they are the very ones who MADE the prostitutes! (Their justice and sovereignty are derived from themselves. I.e., we can make you whomever we want.) They force THEIR image and opinion onto another person – whether that image really represents them or not.
    Well I thank God for his word, which is the truth. And I thank God that he is sending a “heavy stone” to put an end to this madness. The “great whor*” of Babylon is not even a single woman. It is the Babylonian empire who fabricates whor*s for the sick Hollywood gods to seduce. There is not just one woman, there are many and have been many. Our churches need to be on guard for these things and really need to start piling members, children especially, into their places of worship and make a greater effort to assist those who come to them with claims of trafficking, or otherwise. They need laying on of hands without the outside Hollywood OR masonic influences. Little do they realize how much the great dragon is using the churches to keep people out. These churches need to open their doors and prepare for laying on hands of women and children and prayer in the Spirit – because the great beast is pressing down on all of us. The more we worship it, the heavier it gets. The more images we create, the more it weighs down God’s spirit. And doctors are helpless – especially if/when they think that having “mass surveillance” is for “security”. It is that very thing that drives people out and only harbors little monsters and beasts. Think Monster’s Inc. It’s what they’ve been doing to our kids all along and NONE are safe from it. We live in a big fishbowl. Read Habakkuk and then understand, this is the world you were born into. And also understand, God has a place for those who call on him – and not just in church.


  8. Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (16)Lou says

    I have to ask if she has no memory of all this things happening to her how can she implicate all these people ?


    • Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice (17)Wizzy says

      Sometimes it wears off and most times if the control was strong enough and they get memories back and try to be who they once were before, they end up going thru a psychotic breakdown. Talking in circles or doing drugs, committing suicide, or even dying from the trauma in their mind. It does sum to them. Once the alters start to break it could be regular people, certain smells, or anything that could trigger an alter to break. The most powerful way out is through the only begotten son, the Lord and savior bc he helps you break the covenant with them. And have one with him. She probably remember bits and pieces or seen something that made her remember or somebody who left the occult told her. It’s very broad.



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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.